Well okay, at least you're 'biting the bullet', in the sense that your intuitions about the examples I gave are in line with your opinions about what can and can't be moral. And that's what extreme hypotheticals are all about!
But just a last one cos I can't help it! : A mother who gives birth to a child, but refuses to nurture it, hears its cries but refuses to move a toe, is - all other things being equal - not morally bad, to you, just morally neutral?
Above you said something about having the duty to be a provider for your daughter, so maybe that might relate to this.
I'm glad you brought this one up. Most anarcho-capitalists revere the writings of Murray Rothbard and he argued that it was morally acceptable to leave the child to die... but I disagree with him. Rothbard neglected to consider the responsibility that parents incur when conceiving a child. One could use the analogy of a house. Having sex could be thought of as "inviting a child into existence" the way one might invite someone into their home. Once the guest has arrived, you're responsible for its well-being until it leaves. In the case of a newborn child, it's in a state of complete dependency so you might think of it as your house guest that was injured and rendered unable to walk or take care of itself. As long as that helpless guest is in your home and in a state of dependency, you're obliged to take care of it until it can get up and leave on its own.