Fair enough but even the internal was externally decided. Is there anything which you can think about which you can truly say is entirely your own or do you think in a language which was decided on before you were even born, taught to you, along with associated concepts?
The internal OS is what at best I can refer to as personal opinion ethics. Everyone has a personal opinion on anything. The actual behaviors do not map with personal opinions if the person is making behaviors with the ideal of seeking profit. Profit in the sense of a consequentialist would be simply to reduce the risk of punishment and increase social rewards. Profit to a deontologist could be something else, but according to what you believe in would influence what you consider to be your sense of profit.
And because the environment determines the results (consequences) of a decision this would also determine that sense of profit for people who think a certain way. So a question is do consequentialists have an "internal" other than "cost vs benefit analysis"? If there anything other than that?
nobody thinks 'in a language'. volution is post-factum. externally decided in a sense of input, ofc the switch formation and reconfig is causal. i avoid believing. and there is a feedback loop - sensory/from environment -> switch/states -> motoric/environmental modification.
Fair enough but even the internal was externally decided. Is there anything which you can think about which you can truly say is entirely your own or do you think in a language which was decided on before you were even born, taught to you, along with associated concepts?
The internal OS is what at best I can refer to as personal opinion ethics. Everyone has a personal opinion on anything. The actual behaviors do not map with personal opinions if the person is making behaviors with the ideal of seeking profit. Profit in the sense of a consequentialist would be simply to reduce the risk of punishment and increase social rewards. Profit to a deontologist could be something else, but according to what you believe in would influence what you consider to be your sense of profit.
And because the environment determines the results (consequences) of a decision this would also determine that sense of profit for people who think a certain way. So a question is do consequentialists have an "internal" other than "cost vs benefit analysis"? If there anything other than that?
nobody thinks 'in a language'. volution is post-factum. externally decided in a sense of input, ofc the switch formation and reconfig is causal. i avoid believing. and there is a feedback loop - sensory/from environment -> switch/states -> motoric/environmental modification.