Hello guys in this post i will tell you few tips that i think will improve everyone's posts and also their earnings .
This is the first and the most important step .
CREATE GREAT CONTENT . Don't post something like :"HI GUYS I AM JIMMY GIVE ME UPVOTE!" because no one will like this kind of content and no one will upvote it , so try to find something interesting to write about , the topic can be anything just write something good that nobody can say something bad about .
Be friendly with the other . You probably didn't noticed that but if you are nice with someone they will notice you and if you will keep being nice it's posible to make them visit your blog and if they like it they will folow you and give you upvotes . That is why STEP 1 is that important
Don't copy the others posts because that is not nice and if the peoples already saw that why they should watch it for the second time ?
Keep posting . If you are posting once a month you won't get big earning and you won't get folowers
Don't get mad if you don't have succes since begining , the succes will come in time .
Follow for follow?
Upvote for upvote?
Ok , i will upvote all your posts please do the same !