My first sexual experience with another girl

in #mormongirlstories9 years ago (edited)

This sounds clique, but we met in boot camp. Nicole and I became friends pretty quicky while in there. We then got stationed on the same base and roommates in the barracks.I was always attracted to her, but I never even considered that we could be anything more than friends.

We both went through a crazy girl phase where we partied a lot together. So of course we ended up making out.The first time was fun, so we just started making out whenever we wanted. It was great, like best friends with benefits.

Since we were roommates we would often take naps together. The sexual tension was strong. I'm not going to go into detail, but she left me wanting more. She drove me crazy. Of course she drove everyone crazy.

Every guy that she got close to would fall in love with her and she always broke their hearts. I suppose it kept things interesting.I think its because she was always very mysterious. Guys like mystery. Its appealing.

I was always the good little blond Mormon girl, always looked innocent no matter what. (That does attract a certain type of guy, unfortunately not any decent ones)

Being the little innocent Mormon girl was probably the reason why I was attracted to girls with so much sex appeal, not only Nicole, but my high school best friend was that way too. Mystery, sex appeal, and this strange need to protect me.

I don't really know where this post is going, but I just got off the phone with Nicole so I was thinking about her.

#girls  #friendship  #thinking  #inthecloset


I like your honesty and your openness to just share these intimate things although you don't know yet where you're going with this. It is in my opinion so important to share sexual feelings - it doesn't have to be on a platform like this. We are bombarded with sexual imagery everywhere, still most of us feel ashamed when even having sexual thoughts... The most suppressed subject ever, so you go girl! I'm looking forward to your next post :)

Thanks! I have a lot i want to get out. For now its easier to talk about the good times, but i want to air all my struggles too.

Yeah, please do. This platform is all about sharing and creating real Content of value. Not this fake Facebook-Instagram-"Oh, everything is so fine, look at me and how perfect my life is"-Content. I encourage you and Support you and there's a whole community that thinks the same :)

I wish you well in your exploration. But, I have to ask did you get the ok from Nicole to share her picture? I wonder if she is OK with all the attention this might bring to her. Just curious.

Yes, and to use her name.

#mormongirlstories is really piquing my interest.

It should... So i think the only way i get off the churches official records is if i write headquarters and request it. Thats a lot of work. So i decided no matter what i do in life or where i go, being mormon is always going to be a part of my identity. Infact, anywhere i move, my religious grandparents call the missionaries and give them my number. I just decided to embrace it.

welcome to steemit have a good time

I like your honesty and your openness to just share these intimate things although you don't know yet where you're going with this. It is in my opinion so important to share sexual feelings.

Thanks for sharing.It is inspiring,more of us should follow your example.