in #morning7 years ago

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One of the most searched words on the internet is “how to build a great or a sticky morning routine”. The question is not surprising at all, why?

People yearn to be successful just like the great people we hear often.

I have carefully analyzed the quest to this question time without number by reading many studies, watching vlogs and dozens of confidence tips. One of the major breakthroughs I have discovered is one that is mostly neglected.

Just like myself, you may want to ask as well, where do successful people get the time to build a great morning routine?

Chadwick Zimmerman, CEO of Happy Gorilla Vegan Protein Bars said “they made up to $11 billion last year in revenue and he attributed the result mostly to his morning routine”

We will consider Chadwick Zimmerman morning routine later on. But to make the point clearer, imagine an investor billionaire like Warren Buffet, with thousands of holdings and people to manage, where does he get the time to create the minimalist life he attributes to - spending much hours reading books?

The point of spending much time on books is what baffles me most. Although Benjamin Franklin has said that an investment in knowledge pays the best.

But that is not our main point though. The issue is how do they manage the same 24 hours we all have but yet they achieve so great a successful routine?

Before we go on to building a sticky morning routine, firstly we will look at the truth about building a sticky morning routine, secondly the advantages of a great morning routine and lastly the scene behind a great morning routine.


It is for sure people want to be more productive by building a great morning routine, but the evil they tend to overlook is practicing a vague overhyped morning routine which makes them snap back to their initial condition when they fail to achieve it thereby creating a sense of defeat.

Apart from that, why we fail is that we want to take the bull by the horn all at once. But the truth is that, it is seemingly impossible!

Remember that a new morning routine is a new paradigm which means a new habit is about to be created, and guess what?

Habits don’t stick easily!

In fact, a study in the UK shows that “Habits takes an average of 66 days before it sticks”

So, you see, while trying to define your new morning routine, it is important to note that it won’t and does not just happen because you want it to.

Lastly, in order to make your morning routine stick, you may need to apply some tools to aid you. The good news is that we will talk about it in this article.


When a race is targeted and won, it gives you the confidence of doing it again and again. Same as in achieving a great scheduled morning routine. If you can set your morning routine and actually have to work them out, it will create:

  1. A sense of direction

  2. Confidence to do more

  3. Build a purposeful structure into your day.

Accounting this to Leo Babauta “the reason I like having morning routine is that not only does it instill a sense of purpose, peace and ritual to my day, but it ensures that I’m getting certain things done every morning…namely, my goals, ”

So, those are some of advantages of an achievable morning routine. It sure defines purpose and even more reason we need to start with some measurable routines not just jumping into the prospect of achieving everything at a blow.



Walking up early is a routine that is easier to say than getting it done. In one line, it is not just easy.

The good news is that we need not do it alone. It may amaze you to know that many top performers use various tools they have or need to get in order to keep them going.

So we will need to apply same strategy (tools) to get the same result.

Consider this, billionaire Reid Hoffman asks himself series of questions such as: what are the kind of key things that could be constraint to a solution, or might be the attributes on a solution, what are the tools or assets I might have?

For example, each morning, Frank Thomas uses an alarm clock to keep him awaken.

But note, the whole attribute is not to the alarm clock itself but using it as a tool.

Yours can be waking as soon as the morning devotion bell is rang, when the cock crows and on so on.

The big point is thus, whatever is your own alarm shift, go on and use it.

  1. Wake Up Early With Confidence

Pulling the results you need goes beyond what you can easily see. Now, waking up early has one structure you need consider. This is it.

Let’s admit that you have concluded on using an alarm clock tool or even your mobile phone alarm. When it rings at the appropriate time, never hit the snooze button!



Hitting the snooze button puts you at the defense of a valuable character building.

According to Ervin Carmichael,

“Never hit the snooze button. If you hit the snooze button in the morning, then you are accepting that the first thing you do that day is failure”

Your decision to hit or leave the snooze button sets the ball rolling for the day. It defines both the positive and the negative notes.

Let me tell you what happened to me. The very night I wrote this post, I was tricked to hit the phone's alarm off thinking I would wake for my research, but it never really happened that night.

What happened then?

I snapped back to bed. Lol.

On a positive note, never hit the snooze button!

As a better option. Why not keep the alarm far away from you. Yes, that’s right. It will make things pretty simple, right?

  1. Keep Off Your Mobile Phone

Considering the use of your mobile phone as alarm, immediately fulfilling its purpose (ringing), put your phone in an air flight mode or better still, do away with it.

The advantage is the concentration (avoiding morning pop up news, emails, social media notifications and the rests) you will get doing the most awakening things first.

  1. Use A Tracking Tool.

Now, you may consider this super important because it sure does wonders.

Just like using a judgement scroll to manage bad money habits, using a tracking scroll to measure your progress is vital. The use of this makes your appreciate self-worth when progress is made.

Please do not think that using a tool or seeking for help is a week point. Because, it all starts with reaching out for help in order to make considerable progress.

Some tools you can use to measure your progresss are ‘Today for iOS, for android, you can check out Habitbull or HabitHub, Evernote and more.


Before we look at the 8 sticky morning routine steps.

Let’s get an overview of Chadwick Zimmerman’s morning routine which he attributes to his business success.

♠ Remember Chadwick Zimmerman is a CEO of a multibillion dollar company - Happy Gorilla Vegan Protein Bars

The following list shows how he sets his day rolling.

♠ He wakes up by 3am every single morning

♠ He mediates for 6 hours

♠ He writes a gratitude journal

♠ He runs about 14 miles

♠ He reads 2 books every morning

♠ He takes bullet proof coffee every single morning for your brain stability.

♠ He fries about 8 slices black pepper plus beef flavor and 3 hard-boiled eggs.

Now, let’s get the point straight.

I am not in any way saying you should be another Chadwick Zimmerman, but at least from his schedule, you can define where to start from.

Here we go,

  1. Wake Early With Confidence

As considered before, if you must build a sticky morning routine, you must make it a habit to wake early.

According to BusinessInsider “Waking up with sun has helped AOL’s CEO, Tim Armstrong, general electric motoes CEO, Mary Barra and Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi all get a head start on the day. Knocking out tasks before the rest of the world rolled out of bed.”

Arguably, you may not be able to do it like them now but you sure have a great advantage because there are tools to make it happen.

So, use every tool that will make you wake with confidence – no snooze button hit remember?

  1. Control Your Day

For me, immediatly after waking, I love to join my special morning ritual here - acknowledging my creator in prayer.

After the special morning ritual, speak to your day. Just say nice things into it.

I know believe me, it will sound awkward at first.

You know what?

It’s expected. Just imagine talking to yourself like insane person.

But hear the truth.

By saying those words, you are defining your day. This is something I overlook often, but each time I remember to do it, it brings great result.

From now, with my judgment journal, I am off to doing it right away – everyday.

If you don’t know what to say, start like this

♠ This day is great

♠ Today I will achieve greatly – show working as a backup (faith + works)

♠ Everything will work out for my good

♠ I love me

♠ I am confidence

♠ My spouse is the best in the word and I love her

♠ Success all the way for me

♠ I will occupy and take over wherever I go

Just say more.

From there, you will have a number of Big Deal Transcending & Positive words to speak and shape your dailies.

To know more on what to say, hang on here to see the great people to follow on social media.

  1. Rehydrate

After getting up, get rehydrated by taking a glass of water. A 70 cl quantity of water is okay to start with.

The whole beauty in taking a glass of water is that it straightens your sticky small intestines thereby giving power to your tubes to propagate free material flow.

More to it, according to Timesindia, drinking early glass of water purifies the colon and it improves the stomach’s chances to absorb nutrient properly.

Observation: You are not to eat anything for a while after you drink the water. You would probably let it sink well to finish its work.

So, do make sure your class of water is standby.

  1. Prepare A Smoothie/Fruit Salad

After rehydrating, you can make yourself a smoothie or a fruit Salad to be taken immediately you are back from walkout before the actual breakfast.

The smoothie does not have to be much, you can blend “strawberry, yogurt, banana together with a little quantity of water”. When done, put it in the fridge to make it breathtaking.

Observation: this is optional if you can’t get it readily. But it is super recommendable – health wise.

  1. Meditate/Think

This maybe optional for many of us. But it sure does owners to a great morning.

Creating time to think or meditate is actually a great success tool as it opens us to new ideas and clear thoughts.

Remember that CEO of Happy Gorilla Vegan Protein Bars, Chadwick Zimmerman spends more than 5 hours in meditation. So you too can do it as well.

  1. Walkout With A Motivational Music

Walking out is just as important as making the rehydration process have its work till the end.

This is it, when you walk out or go for a jog, the water will flow through every part of your body and literary excreting the old and toxic materials in the form of sweat.

The walk out does not have to be 1 or more hours, 15 to 30 minutes is okay. The whole essence is the great effect it creates from the small input.

Not just that, to make it more energetic, you may want to use a smoothen music in the background. Yes, that will absolutely keep you going.

Now, there is also a scientific data to prove the above. It reads:
Taking a walk refreshes the mind and body, and increase the creativity. It can even extend your life. In one 12-year study of adults over 65, walking for 15 minutes a day red mortality by 22%.

So you see, yoga or walkout is no brainer.

But in the course of this, you may want to use an iPod with soft music or motivational podcast at the background. The whole essence is to keep you going.

What happens if an iPod is not readily available?

It’s time to engage our mobile phone i guess. But remember to keep the volume at bare – under control.

  1. Breakfast

To complete your task, go ahead and prepare yourself a great breakfast to start out the new day.

When this is done, it is important to put on an energetic podcast or self-development materials like Steve Jobs, The Richest Man in Babylon and the etc at the background. That will seemingly get you going in place of reading a book if you want.

Where can you get a free self development audio books?

You can get on with Audible, Spotify, SoundCloud and more.

To set the ball rolling, audible gives you a free 30 day trial. That is a whopping 30 day free audio books.

To get started it with Audible, use one of my mentor's link – AUDIBLE.COM/THOMAS.

Back to our breakfast shift.

Literally, a cup of tea with some slice of bread can go well that is if you don’t have a choice or alternative.

But if you do, go for something higher like Chadwick Zimmerman’s or Sweet Potato and Black Bean Breakfast Burrito.

Assuming you don’t have a choice, as a substitute and to your advantage, instead of using a hard meal for breakfast.

What can you do if there are no alternatives?

Can you make do with the smoothie or fruit salad only?

Yes, why not!

You can forgo the hard mean till lunch time if only the fruit salad or smoothie can be sustainable.

The whole essence is building a successful morning routine.

Ok, Let's do it.

In a world where everyone is striving to get the best results (physically, mentally, and emotionally), what we need to understand is that it all starts with a great morning routine.

The potential achiever should begin with knowing the scene behind every successful morning routine before actually jumping to the main morning routine steps.

In the words, where overhyped vague morning routines are practiced, the result to be produced will only be defeat because any purpose not built on sincerity cannot stand.

For a potential achiever to build a sticky morning routines, he should focus on the minimalist morning routines steps;

  1. Waking early with confidence joined with prayers

  2. Control Your Day

  3. Rehydrating,

  4. Using a smoothie or any minimalist fruits combined,

  5. Meditating,

  6. Walking out with a motivational music,

  7. Breaking the fast.

The truth of the matter is that this is not another vague article that promises you will get the result now or in the next 6 days.

No matter how you want to do it, new habits don’t stick easily and the only way forward is starting small.

To make it stick, out of the 6 sticky morning routine steps above, from your type of work or profession, which can you take out in order not to overlook the whole step process?

For example, if I am a factory warehouse’s keeper that sets the alarm clock for 5am, I know without reasonable doubt that I can’t virtually fulfill no.5 and properly no.6. That being the case, what can I possibly do?

I will simply take out no.5 & 6 and follow through with the rests. Hope you get the idea, right?

Okay, it is sure we all want success like Warren Buffet, Bill Gate, Tim Sykes, Tim Armstrong and the rests.

The baseline?

They all started from somewhere.

In fact, some of them had to learn the ritual for an entire career life. So, you see, it’s not just all about getting an instantaneous motivation reading this article now.

To get started, we need to keep this at the back of our minds,

So, go for it, beat your comfort zone, apply every necessary tool you need and make it happen.

One more point.

have the courage to take it one at a time. It may not stick today but thank God there is another day.

Yes, gird your loins and make it happen starting right about now!

Ok, Elites, over to you.

I will like to hear your viewpoints about a Productive Morning Routine.

Do you practice any of them, if yes, how effective have they been considering the scene behind every successful morning routine and lastly, what are the things you might want to employ in order to make it more productive?

Do let me know in the comment section below.

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Thank you.

We hope this article helped you find the best route to forming a great morning routine that sticks.

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Alas! To your success.