The style of living is changing fastly. Earlier we used to get up early in the morning but as the technology has advanced we have become night owls. Usually we don't have time left from office activities and if somehow we get some spare time, we prefer to utilize them in our gadgets ( like currently I am writing this post..LOL ). If you are a night owl, you may feel the below mentioned benefits of waking up early which I have experienced past some time.
The early you wake the more time you get for meditation. You will feel more connected to the nature. In a silenced environment with fresh breeze blowing, you get to think more deeply. You will feel more positivity around you.

Increased Productivity
If you are an early bird then it provides you some edge as compared to other people with increase in your productivity. Your concentration power will be much higher and you will take very less time to do some task as compared to night owls.
Increased Self Confidence
The most effective benefit is increase in confidence which I have personally experienced. You will be energetic the whole day and will face any challenge in your way. Your will see your target closer to you and will feel more and more energy and ability to reach to that target.
Better Mental Health

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Very nice post .. Good morning BC
ameeri bc
ghnta bc
Nice share, but this isn't gonna stop me from sleeping late.
Nothing can stop you!!
Great post :)