A point of view in judicial judgment وجهة نظر في حكم قضائي

in #morocco7 years ago


I was browsing an electronic newspaper to reveal it as it is used to tell us the news and issues of society where I read a very good news prison sentence of a young man who tried to rape a girl by force in the areas of Marrakech and the same for his friend who helped him filming the video while trying to rape the poor girl

Yes, I am very agreeable to this ruling in his right and perhaps worth more than that

But I started to think, and I wonder why I had to do that crime. There must be some reason

This girl, who they consider poor and victim of the attack that occurred to her, did not put it within the focus of the question because in my view that the main reason in this incident is the girl did not look at her dress or behavior and behavior, but returned to the young man and dropped all the charges and described him with the beast and all meanings Shame and the criminal

They did not look at her clothes and the strange fashion and freedom and said she was a veiled girl

The question here is who is responsible for all this, whether it is her family or the community in which she grew up

Bmvhh other so is the special Idiro with her investigation and accounting and take the penalty Diala

Women have become demons in their clothes and do what they do

وجهة نظر في حكم قضائي

كنت اتصفح احدى الجرائد الالكترونية قصد الكشف  عنها  كما هو معتاد عليها تزف لنا اخبار وقضايا المجتمع  حيث قرات  خبر جد مفرح الحكم بالسجن على شاب قام وحاول اغتصاب فتاة بالقوة بنواحي مراكش  ونفس الشيء بالنسبة لصديقه الذي ساعده بتصوير الفيديو وهو يحاول اغتصاب الفتاة المسكينة

نعم  انا جد موافق على هذا الحكم في حقه وربما يستحق اكثر من ذلك

لكن بدات الافكار تدور في مخيلتي واتساؤل واقول ما السبب الذي دفع ذلك الشخص للقيام بتلك الجريمة  لابد انا هناك سبب ما

تلك الفتاة التي يعتبرونها مسكينة و ضحية جراء الاعتداء الذي وقع لها حيت لم وضعها هي ضمن محور التساؤل لانه من وجهة نظري ان السبب الرئبسي في هذا الحادث هي الفتاة لم ينظرو الى لباسها او سلوكها وتصرفاتها  لكنهم رجعو الى الشاب واسقطو عليه كل التهم ووصفوه بالوحش وكل معاني العار  والمجرم

لم ينظرو الى ملابسها و الموضة الغريبة والتحرر وقالو انها فتاة متحجبة 

والسؤال المطروح هنا من المسؤول عن هذا كله  هل عائلتها ام المجتمع  الذي ترعرعت فيه

بمفهوه اخر حتى هي خاصها  ايديرو معها تحقيق و اتحاسب وتاخذ الجزاء ديالها 

اصبحت النساء شيطان بلباسهم وافعالهم فيفعلون فيفعلون بعقول الرجال ما يحلو لهم



I am not sure if I got u right. Are u trying to say that it was the girl's fault? Do u say she was responsible for that crime because she was dressed too sexy?

I did not say that she was responsible for the crime but the society's look at her. The anger was on the criminal either the girl did not talk about anyone