أحد شواطئ دوبروفنيك بالقرب من المدينة القديمة / One of Dubrovnik's beaches is close to the Old Town

in #morocco7 years ago

لا يمكن الحديث عن دوبروفنيك دون ذكر الشواطئ الجميلة والمزدحمة والتي تستقطب آلاف السياح في شهور الصيف، وهي قبلة للسائحين الأوروبيين على وجه الخصوص، ويُعد شاطئ Sveti Jakov أفضل وأجمل شاطئ في دوبروفنيك، يبعد نصف ساعة عن المدينة، ويصبح مزدحما في الصيف، مع إمكانية استئجار كراسي للإستلقاء ومظلات شمسية، ويوجد بالقرب منه مطعم وبار، ويتطلب الوصول إليه نزول العديد من السلالم، وهو شاطئ نظيف ويتألف من الرمل والحصى

Dubrovnik can not be said without mentioning the beautiful and crowded beaches that attract thousands of tourists during the summer months. It is a kiss for European tourists in particular. Sveti Jakov is the best and most beautiful beach in Dubrovnik, half an hour from the city. Loungers and sun umbrellas, and there is a restaurant and bar nearby. It requires access to many stairs, a clean beach consisting of sand and gravel.

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et ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus maur

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varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit amet erat. Etiam sed dolor mol

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Pellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristiq

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tis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan solli

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ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus

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ue nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspe

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sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget

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ccumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristique sapien faucibus. P

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sus sit amet. Cras vel luctus nisi.

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imentum, at tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, eget pellentesque sem

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pendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat p

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at tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ip

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rtor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum

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nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum turpis blandit. Sed

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at tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, eget pellente

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l luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu var

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licitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit amet erat. Etiam s

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disse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetu

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onvallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum turpis bland

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dit. Sed consequat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Prae

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spendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus

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condimentum mi eget erat porta

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uis fringilla eros eget arcu co

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spendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam co

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din ex. Praesent eu varius

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lor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iacu

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im. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit amet erat. Etiam sed dolor mollis, facilisis lorem

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m turpis blandit. Sed consequat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante ege

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ntum, at tristique sapi

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at purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellu

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urpis blandit. Sed consequat purus ne

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i. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin e

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que nunc tortor, iac

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allis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condim

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ssim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna f

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. Cras vel luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudi

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t, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nu

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t erat porta, ut condimentum turpis blandit. Sed consequat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Na

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. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum turpi

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ellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condim

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hendrerit tortor. Nam c

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a, ut condimentum turpis blandit. Sed consequat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed an

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