المطاعم الحميمة في مدينة دوبروفنيك القديمة / The cozy restaurants in the old town of Dubrovnik

in #morocco7 years ago

عليك أن لا تتوقع الكثير فيما يتعلق بالطعام الكرواتي، فالمطبخ المحلي لا يملك الكثير من المفاجآت في المذاقات ليقدمها، ولكن تُعد أطباق البحر والمأكولات البحرية أروع شيء يمكن تجربته هنا، ويلحظ الزائر ارتفاع تكلفة تناول الطعام في المطاعم وخاصة في المدينة القديمة، حيث تمتاز بالأسعار السياحية وخاصة في شهور الصيف، ولا يوجد في دوبروفنيك العديد من الخيارات بالنسبة لمحبي الأكل العربي والشرقي، يمكنك تجربة مطعم "ماركو بولو" في المدينة القديمة الذي يقدم أطباق البحر والمأكولات المتوسطية بأسعار جيدة، مع أجواء وديكورات تراثية جميلة، في حين يقدم مطعم "كونوبا بوناكا" إطلالة خلابة على البحر مع مذاقات رفيعة المستوى

You do not expect much about Croatian food. The local cuisine does not have a lot of surprises to taste, but sea and seafood dishes are the coolest thing you can try here, and you can see the high cost of dining in restaurants, especially in the old city. Especially in the summer months, and there are not many options in Dubrovnik for lovers of Arab and oriental eating, you can try the Marco Polo restaurant in the old town, which offers Mediterranean and Mediterranean cuisine at good prices, A breathtaking view of the sea with high-class taste.

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amet. Cras vel luctus nisi

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sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, eget pellentesque sem cursus sit amet. Cras vel lu

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estie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam

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la eros eget arcu condimentum, at tr

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us nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravid

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t arcu condimentum, at tristique s

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ntum, at tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, eget pellentesque sem cursus sit a

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apibus ipsum, eget pel

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urus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas ege

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. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapib

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eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante

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fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla

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raesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdie

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rsus sit amet. Cras vel luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent eu varius enim. Curabitur se

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landit. Sed consequat purus

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dit. Sed consequat purus nec elei

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accumsan sollicitudin. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristique sapien f

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pellentesque sem cursus sit amet. Cras vel luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praese

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nt eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit am

This comment has received a 0.16 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @laefboy.

s. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna

This comment has received a 0.30 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azizou.

c tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspe

This comment has received a 0.16 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

etur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molest

This comment has received a 0.34 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azizou.

onvallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi eget erat porta, ut condimentum tur

This comment has received a 0.46 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dap

This comment has received a 0.26 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @laefboy.

is eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor.

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s. Pellentesque luctus mauris sed accumsan sollicitudin.

This comment has received a 0.43 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Susp

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This post has received a 12.5 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @laefboy.

e convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condim

This post has received a 9.09 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @laefboy.

adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspen

This comment has received a 0.60 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @laefboy.

This post has received a 8.26 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @laefboy.

scing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse conva

This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azizou.

us ipsum, eget pellentesque sem cursus sit amet. Cras vel luctus nisi. Suspendisse sed sollicitudin ex. Praesent e

This comment has received a 0.24 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @laefboy.

rna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus mauris se

This comment has received a 0.13 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

et ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque luctus mauris sed ac

This comment has received a 0.17 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azizou.

apibus et, molestie sed nulla. Suspendisse convallis hendrerit tortor. Nam condimentum mi

This comment has received a 0.17 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

quat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim tellus. Praesent sed ante eget ligu

This comment has received a 0.34 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azizou.

lus. Praesent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus l

This comment has received a 0.13 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @laefboy.

esent sed ante eget ligula sagittis imperdiet. Maecenas eget urna fringilla lacus lacinia

This comment has received a 0.18 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

ros eget arcu condimentum, at tristique sapien fauci

This comment has received a 0.11 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @mariam.kerromi.

ent eu varius enim. Curabitur sed mi ut lacus gravida consectetur quis sit amet erat. Etiam sed dolor mollis, faci

This post has received a 11.11 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @laefboy.

t. Sed consequat purus nec eleifend ultricies. Nam sed dignissim

nsectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nunc tortor, iaculis eget dapibus et, molestie sed nulla

din. Duis fringilla eros eget arcu condimentum, at tristique sapien faucibus. Proin vulputate dapibus ipsum, e

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