On our morning walk we noticed loads of dragonflies and swiftlets, this made me look closely at the standing water to see what they are eating, I was horrified by the number of mosquito larvae!
Please be vigilant we have cleaned our drains twice now (once again today!) Ive stopped feeding our fish encouraging them to eat all larvae and eggs that get laid in our pond and water features (if you dont have fish in your water feature you will breed mozzys!)
We have planted mints including basil around our house, added an ultrasonic repeller to keep the pesky buggers out. be vigilant these little buggers are far more dangerous than Mount Agung!
I guess its time I look for a non toxic mozzy repellent (that I don't like using but I also don't want bites!)
Good read, glad to see you take an active approach to killing these devil spawns. (Aka: Mosquitoes)
As a friendly tip, it might be a good idea to give yourself an avatar. :] People tend to trust people more if they have an avatar.
I need to learn how to do that next! After killing Devil Spawn that is LOL
Easiest way I've found. Drag a picture into a new post. Get the URL it gives you that is inside the code that pops up and paste it into the URl box for your avatar.
Have a good one!
Thanks BiaSnarative, I have worked it out now!
Haejin sure is classy.
Jin was my translator when I worked in Korea, do I know you then in real life?
Love those dragonflies. We had tons of mosquitoes up in the Arctic and just when you get used to them it's blackfly season. Haha!
It's the sound of them I find most disturbing/annoying.
Have a Merry Christmas and may your defenses be strong.
Thanks acwood!
Thank you very much for warning us about mosquitoes
Citronella is a natural repellant or Avon’s skin so soft if Mum left any!