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RE: In Moments of Dark Despair

in #motherhood6 years ago

Period correct for the time I lived there, but the cops I knew did not drive Ferraris. Half of the Miami-Dade PD was in Jail and the other half on it's way there which made for interesting times.

Never thought of Motorcycle maintenance as a Zen like experience but it must have been; I'd still like to get back to restoring one from the ground up. (maybe an old Honda Cub)

I won't be posting as much as I used to. Things are not what they seem on this platform and I fully expect to get flagged as I support a few efforts that may expose a few things that will not be received well. I don't want to bring that here, even if all it means is that you have to "reveal comment" to see it.

My "following" list has been scrambled, I rarely see your posts in my feed and sometimes I just need to wait to get my vote back up above 0.02, but I am reading your posts :)

I have some friends with an autistic daughter, but they never, with me anyway, discussed what their long term plans were. I spent a lot of time there as we built a 31 ft sailboat in the basement over the course of a few years and it became obvious to me that she would never be able to live without some form of support and supervision. They did have some luck with their second daughter in that she's a real firecracker and loved dragging her older sibling along for all kinds of fun stuff, but I always wondered what would happen when she wants a family of her own. Since I'm not one to bud in, I figured I would find out when they did. Come to think of it, I should probably shoot them an email one of these days to see how they're doing.


@onnovocks, My following list has also annoyingly been scrambled. Do you know why?

I don't have any hard facts, but I'll venture a guess. Certain features were taken out to make it more cost effective to run Steemit, yes in the midst of all the Steemit, Inc. drama. What it looks like to me is that the feature in the code that arranged the listing in alphabetical order was taken out to save space, and now you see the listing in reverse chronological order, the way it was recorded on the block-chain, listing the most recent account we followed first.

Looks like the same happened with the follower list; the last one to follow us, is listed first. (as if you are looking from the present into the past)

Hope this makes sense, and again, that is what it looks like to me. Cheers!

Yes, that makes sense. Thanks. I do wish it back the old way though :/

Yeah, me too.

Gathered your mood and approach to what's left of Steemit, the minute I set a foot back on here. (Hardly a sea-worthy 31ft sailboat that's been built here.) Know you well enough. Admire how you are still a warrior breaking a lance here and there for where it may still matter.
Clearly your picking up a word or two of mine every now and then (although I know you to be a thorough chap) seems to make a meaningful difference to me. Just like autism seems to pervade our times in often invisible and intangible ways, positive gestures and motions do too....
Thank you.