We wake up for school as always. The oldest was going to make it for the day, even though we are allowed to send them all week to school. Since the virus was not in our county yet. I was very uncomfortable with the situation and made it clear to her this was her only day she is attending this week no matter what. With everything going on the veteran, my husband I care for has a appointment at the VA sleep apnea clinic. We have been waiting months already for, but now have to cancel. The reason this was so needed is a morning wake up,without the sleep apnea machine, leads to the nightmares pain, heavy chest feeling. Turns into lashing out behaviors. He wakes up feeling like he has not slept at all just been running all night to catch his breath in his nightmare. He needs to be refitted for a new mask maybe change machine settings since he had rhinoplasty surgery to fix his deviated septum almost a year ago now. Well no way are we going, into a hospital with the two little ones especially. As soon as the VA call center opens, I start the calling to cancel. Having trouble to get through as always. Well after a few operator tries, I just leave a message doesn't even seem like they are open. With the state being on a half work force only makes sense.
The world felt like it was on hold. We sat and waited to hear an update by the President. As well, this time the younger kids were taking a nap since they had a terrible night. They were awake most of it. The anxiety in our home was tremendous. During down time, I spend it on the computer next to hubby. We watched YouTube to find out when Trump was on. During that wait time, found out we now had a case of the virus in our county. Meaning school would now be closed at 4 pm. that day. The closure will last until April 14. and cold lunches would be provided at drop off sites. Mother instinct was so right. I had a deep lump in my throat and all I wanted to do was drive to her school and pick her up right then and there. Knowing I was right to have kept her home. When I was a child in high school 9/11 happened; my mother came and got me as we were in Pennsylvania right near where the plane went down. I wanted to be like my mom and how I feel that she saved me. My husband who knows our daughter loves her school very much advised me that's not the same relationship. Shes such a book worm she really would want to stay not embarrass her and just let the day go. So with that I was waiting for her at the door, to embrace her like she just came home from summer camp. She starts to open her mouth, to let me know about the school closure and I am already "told you so". Of course I get the shoulder shrug, eye roll, teenager response. Followed with that, she does have all of her things with her for her online learning to start. After this, things kinda just seem like it was a whirl wind until bed. The evening went electronics until dinner, then I just ended up giving the quick hot dog. They probably enjoy more than me cooking a full meal. Bath and bed followed. The eldest and I had to work out some time for her to be able to use this chrome book she just got issued from school. Thankfully, they have been using these all year long and the school had been preparing for this with a questionnaire the week prior. They were trying to find out who would be able to access the internet from the home. As some people may not be able to provide internet access, what would be done for that student. We are very heavily dependent on the internet here. So this was not our issue. For us, its the time that she needs to be able to sit and think quietly to work. Jr. is always all over the place so things will never be quiet. Next, even a work area for her to safely store and use the chrome book. Jr. is going through a phase of taking screws off anything he can so definitely cannot let him near it. After some tired non thoughts, I just say keep it in your room on your desk that is like a cabinet and when you wake in the morning we have some quiet electronic time would be good to use. Reminding her she doesn't get to just sleep in that this isn't to be treated as a vacation or break. Our whole way of life is changing!

Husband and Wife Witness Team