Motherhood ( You As Mother)

in #motherhood5 years ago

There is no human being without a mother. A mother is a female person with a divine purpose from God. A mother has been described in a variety of ways. Alice Hawthrone says: What is a home without a mother in the first instance? The value of mother is indescribable.

Her roles are sacred. As Coleridge puts it,a mother is a mother still,the holiest thing alive. The noble qualities of love,gentleness and solicitude were given to a woman for a particular role. That is motherhood. Mothers bring up their youths in the fear of the Lord and in the acceptable ways of the society.

Every woman is made to be a mother. Because a woman's natural inclination is maternity. The essential purpose of a woman in life is to be for humanity, the living example of complete spiritual dedication because every woman is made for love. By woman's nature she is complete in delivery and love absorbs her whole life.

Motherhood brings joy and satisfaction to women because they are the architects of men and nations. Being a mother is one of the moat challenging and rewarding jobs a woman can perform. Despite its strains and demands,it brings a lasting satisfaction to the mother and the world when properly performed.

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