Motherhood & Monday Mornings on the Homestead; Redeeming the time

in #motherhood7 years ago (edited)

Happy Monday Everyone! Ahh...yes Monday morning, you know the first morning of the beginning of the long week ahead. For our family, we look forward to the peacefulness that Monday morning brings. We slowly wake up, rested from a busy weekend. We each get something in our bellies and start the day out by relaxing together in the living room. As the morning progresses, the children head outside to get their morning chores started. I, Mama, pour my second large cup of coffee and spend some time with my two babies. Dishes...well...they can wait until the babys'morning naptime.

So earlier this morning, I spent a few minutes reading my Bible and chatting with my Hubby as he got himself out the door and off to work. Then I sipped on my first cup of coffee while my little 9 month old princess drifted back off to sleep in my arms. So glad she got to spend some precious moments with her Daddy too this morning. Next, my 8 year old son woke up and stumbled across the living room floor and tumbled onto the couch beside me wrapped in a big blanket. We turned on one of our audiobooks we are listening to and enjoyed the stillness of the house as everyone else was fast asleep. We even were blessed with a nice gentle rain this morning that didn't last very long but we MUCH appreciated it as long as it lasted( all Texans do). One by one, the children awoke. We each get something in our bellies and started the day out by relaxing together in the living room. As the morning progresses, the children head outside to get their morning chores started. I, Mama, pour my second large cup of coffee and spend some time with my two babies still in the living room eating dry cherios that are now spread across the carpet. I throw in my first load of laundry but dishes...well...they can wait until the babys'morning naptime.

I would not trade my position here as "wife" and "mama" for anything else in the world. After years of being deceived and lied to about what "being a woman" is in our society I have finally found a beautiful truth. As Sarah was often found "inside the tent", I too long to keep my feet at home, my hands busy, and my mind focused on things above. I am trying to embrace that part of femininity that I allowed the world to steal from me as a young girl and women. You know that part that they say is "mundane", "beneath us", the part that "would limit the use of our minds" and "is not worthy of a paycheck". Those highly honorable and precious moments throughout the day of wiping noses, tending to bug bites, changing diapers, cleaning up messes off the floor, scolding before someone becomes tragically hurt, sitting a child down to have a heart to heart talk, and of course the unspoken moments of smiles and hugs and eye contact made between a Mother and her children. Yes, this is the time that I want to redeem for the sake of my children. All of nature shows us the important role of motherhood and yet we, as humans, have dismissed it as menial and something that can be institutionalized into a daycare or schoolroom setting. No my sweet friend, Motherhood is a highly honorable position granted and ordained by God alone and one that grows and changes over time but can never be replaced by any other person on this earth not even for a few mere hours. No you can not pay a stranger to do this job for you nor can you try to reduce this job down to a few hours each evening with your child or squeeze it in on the weekends. This job is all consuming as it is the process that the Lord uses to refine you and reveal to you your sinful heart. He did give you each individual child for a specific reason to teach you and show you things about yourself. The same could be said about the position of a wife to her husband...well minus maybe the boo-boos and scolding!haha

I hope you enjoyed spending a few minutes with me this morning as I have very much enjoyed sharing my heart with you. Now, put on your apron and pull your hair up and get to work dear Sister as it is the most weighty and honorable position ever bestowed on you.

Colossians 3:23-24 King James Version
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.


I had my own business that took me out of the home for several years. I would take my baby with me and it was hard but the circumstances mandated it. However as of 2 months ago, I am able to be home with our girls ages 1 & 2.5 and I am loving it. God indeed called us to be mothers and the precious time I am spending with my girls is so special. Some days are rough but I would not trade it for anything! Thanks for posting this...blessings from Canada!

Absolutely LOVE this TexasMama! Beautiful and I know several ladies that would be blessed by this. Resteeming and sharing :D

Praise the Lord, glad to be a blessing to ya.

Resteemit for all the mommas out there and maybe for the menfolk to understand a bit as well "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" an old but so true statement.

Thanks Wee! Not what I planned on writing about this morning but I guess it was on my heart.

I can relate to you. I too was a homeschool mom. We lived in the country where my children had chores too.
Enjoy your days, as those day quickly go by.. My children are all grown now. I miss those days. We were some of the pioneers in homeschooling when it was taboo and wasn't something we could share. Glad for now there is freedom to do what God has called us to do..Have a blessed day!!

thanks Suzie, glad to find ya on here. I'll be following you. Some days go quickly, other days seem like 3 days in one! lol But yes I know these years will go by fast I wish we could make time stand still some days. Have a blessed day friend.

You're Welcome!! Have a blessed day too, my friend!

Beautiful! This resonates with my soul. Thank you for sharing your heart! <3

Thanks Mama! Love watching your videos! I need to get myself out in the garden in the early morning like you do. That fresh morning air is also good for the soul!

very good written, love it!

thank you. I love to write.

The culture it seems wants us to be in the workforce because it generates revenue for the government. They get to tax the daycare employee. They get you to pay a toll for driving the road, they tax the fuel it took to get you there. They tax the truck that drives on the road to bring the groceries to the grocery store that you have to shop because you didn't have time to grow your own. Being at home raising your kids, and goats and chickens and vegetables makes you not contribute to the pay raises congress keeps voting themselves. It's not taxable and therefore you aren't paying for the government to infringe more of your rights and try to sell you safety by taking away your rights. How selfish of you to want those moments with your child while not contributing to the greater good that is a huge government! ; ) I'm homesteading in Texas, too... On our tiny property. Loving these moments.

You said it! we are in Northeast Texas....where are you? Texas is its own

Near Fort Worth ... Nice to meet you!!