Short story on philosophy of life.(People worried about short heights)

in #motivation8 years ago (edited)

About a month ago I was sitting on a bench in a park to catch my breath after a rigorous round of running.A small kid came to me with a ball in his hand. As I saw that kid I was able to make out there was something unusual.He had Down's syndrome.

His mother came up and smiled at me.I wanted to play with that child.I took the ball from.him. I played.After sometime I got the courage to ask her mother as to how how different it is to manage him. I knew It must be a bit difficult.

She said he was was indeed different and in early days it was difficult to understand him but with time it started sorting out

Everyone loves the kid now as told by her mother.Everyone is happy to see him.She was right because I smiled when I met him for the first time even though kids creep me out sometimes because they are naughty.

Do you know why I was smiling? Not because he was different. In fact he was not different at all. He was a kid with some other abilities.I smiled because he was smiling at me.In fact he was laughing. Her mother told me its because he find spectacles on people's face funny.

I am sorry for sharing a long story but it changed my way of thinking .My way of perceiving things altered because of that kid.

You are worried about your height. People are worried that they are bald and they'll not get a good girl.Maybe because full head haired people make awesome partners. People are worried that they don't have a fair skin.All fair skin people must be good human beings.People are worried about their bad career,low paid jobs,this deformity that deformity and what not.

I have a question and I want you to ask this to yourself.

Is your height coming between you and your dreams,passion and your abilities?
Is your height making you loose confidence. Remember to ask yourself whom do you want to impress in the first place and if those people are first impressed by your physical form and don't care of who you are inside, they are not worth it.
Is your height making you an insignificant person because then Sachin Tendulkar,Sunil Gavaskar,Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi should have felt insignificant too.
Do you know nobody can make you feel significant but you. Make people value your morals,actions and nature and not height.

One day people will remember you for the person you were and not by the distance you covered vertically.