Embrace daily discipline to grow.
We all have set goals, we enjoy being inspired, but motivation gets you going when it comes to personal growth, but you have to be discipline about it, this is the way you grow.
It doesn't matter, if you are opportune or talented, you have to be consistent to grow
Know you why, it will keep you motivated, most people who have discovered their purpose and inconsistent, success is not magical
when you improve on yourself daily, success is guaranteed.
Don't be too hard on yourself, how about you start simple, because when you attempt too much, you fall short.
Most people sometimes don't realize how close there are to achieve their goals, everything is worthwhile its a about timing and dedication
Small steps leads to bigger steps, embrace the daily discipline
Enjoy and value the process, because if you can conceive it, you can achieve it and it will.
Smart work is really an accumulation of simple things you are consistent about.
Challenge yourself, because motivation gets you going and discipline keeps you growing.
Focus on growth not goals
I remain @adejoke16
Small steps do lead to bigger ones.
Really nice one @adejoke16
A little drop makes a mighty ocean 😀 thanks dear.
Great words to ponder on
Yes babes
Well said ma, consistency is the key!
Thank you sir😀
True words dear, it's the little things we do that amount to a better result. Growth is essential is success