Rubber bands are useful to everyone only when they are stretched. You too can bring out the best value in you when you stretch your self, somehow. Popular among many today is the statement, 'i cant kill myself' . Who asked you to kill yourself in the first place? Have you been charmed to do it? I doubt. But many speak like that because they are surrounded by people who do not want to go beyond their comfort zone. Do you find yourself around neighbors, colleagues who see you as "stressing" you self or too "ambitious"? Never you mind them.
Most times you'll find that those who ridicule you for working too hard or being over ambitious end up running to you for assistance when in need. If you had not done extra, if everyone had settled for the status quo, how would they have got help? Well it depends on you but here's a few words to push you and me a little.
DO NOT SETTLE FOR AVERAGE---. Stretch your self beyond the elastic limit. Personally, i have never loved average. As a parent if your child comes home all the time with an average performance, am sure, you wont be happy. So why settle for avarage? There is a gap that stands between you and your potential, be aware of it and let that gap keep motivating you to strive harder.
sourceGIVE UP EXCUSES---Do not beg off or find excuses why you have to remain in one place. You will reach your potential if you leave excuses and push yourself further from your comfort zone-- do the extra, that extra work can be what you need to turn your life around.
- BE READY TO TAKE RISKS---Risks have advantage. If you risk a thing, you find that you will learn something from it, whether good or bad. Those who take risks learn more and even faster compare to those who are just too afraid to make a move. You will just remain dormant with a mind set of mediocrity. see these too:
4.TRY NEW THINGS---Do the things you have never done before.Push your self harder, in a way that may ever be discomforting to you. When you have reached your potential, there will always be time to make your self comfortable.
- FOCUS ON STRETCHING---Amidst ridicule, discouragement and other constraints, be focused, set your mind on your goal. Use the tension of where you are now and the enthusiasm to be where you want to be as the yardstick to stretch more, before long, you will succeed and be happy you did.
So , what do you think? Are you happy and satisfied with where you are, or just comfortable?The fear of being at average should motivate you to strive harder. Why settle for average when you are awesome, talented and strong? see this also:
For me, I dont settle for avearage, i dont need it. I am shooting high so that if i miss it, it could touch the sky at least.
Thanks for being here
Thanks @gbenga for this badge
Hello @adore-eu
This is very thoughtful of you and I am quite certain the community will find it very useful.
The above quote killed it all. It is real life and had played out in my life on several occasions. @ogoowinner made a post relating to this in her last or so post. And I believe with you writing on the same topic again, lots of people will certainly learn a lot from both posts. Thanks
Hi boss @eurogee, thanks for being here. I appreciate you. I didnt know @ogoowinner wrote on something similar. Am sure his will be from another perspective. But anyhow, all should hear it, so there are many people and things to discourage one from making a move or growing high,or even make you want to settle foe average but if we dont give in, discouargement, fear, and mediocrity will try next door. Thanks so much sir
Most times you'll find that those who ridicule you for working too hard or being over ambitious end up running to you for assistance when in need.
You are very correct.
Thats what they do man but they claim to be alright with what they earn.Thanks for being on my page
This post is indeed reinvigorating to the mind and body. Average is not the best hence unacceptable, thanks
Hi @adore-eu @dubem-eu
Don't give up. Keep trying.
Thanks bro
I love dis aspect try new things!!! New things help you to increase ideas of thinking.
it sure does
I really have to be the best I can be and I can only do this by stretching myself to elastic limit vis-a-viz going beyond my comfort zone . Thank you so much for this awesome post.
i appreciate you, as always
Do not settle for LESS either. The space at the top is specious enough for every body who works and walks up there. Blessings