Freedom from addiction, isn't just about drugs...

in #motivation7 years ago

Winning story of heroine addict!


Say No To Drugs

Forgiveness is a principle I've struggled with my whole life. I'd just assume beat the breaks off of another person, tear their heart from their fuckin chest, and shit down there neck. Anger manifests quickly, then rage boils over the edge of the pot. As a child, being bullied, emotionally abused, and constantly in confrontations for my beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.... I learned how to ball up rage, anger, and frustration until I unloaded it in a ball of fury... when I lost that battle, I got back up and fought harder. When I was wronged by anyone, I retaliated. When I was cheated on, I slept with your best friends. If you stole from me, I took everything you had. If you came out the side of your neck at me, I'd take the fuck off on you. They say, "Two wrongs, don't make a Right!!", at the time, I figured after the first wrong, I was justified to respond accordingly. Like I said, Forgiveness isn't my strongest quality. I'm working on it. Recovery doesn't give me instant superpowers to forgive anyone, however, I'm learning the concept of forgiveness. I'm beginning to understand why is important for me, to accept others for where there at, and ask my HP for the courage, strength, and wisdom to pause before responding. I'm learning that the majority of the time, my inability to forgive anyone is merely, self will run riot. Understanding that I've been that ego, prideful, grandiose, arrogant, and miserable person, the person I'm usually angry with. I've been on the other side of my own anger before, who am I to think I'm better than them. Truthfully, I'm usually only angry because I saw bits of myself in these situations, and internally, I'm distraught, I haven't been able to forgive myself for the very same things that get me so riled up. Freedom from addiction, isn't just about drugs, it's freedom from my addiction to learned behaviors. Anger, Rage, Sex, Violence. These may not come wrapped in a baggie, but they have cost me more unhappiness, misery, jealousy, and frustration than any drug ever did. Today, I'm grateful for the pause I'm able to have before acting on old behaviors. Today, I'm thankful for a sponsor that tells me how it is, when I'm fuckin spinning. For a HP that helps through the bullshit. Without these, I'd revert back to insanity without a second thought. Today, I will pray for those that I'm struggling to forgive, And ask my HP for forgiveness for feeling the way I do. If No One Has Told You They Love You Today, I Fuckin Love Each And Everyone Of You!!!! #FUCKHEROIN #STILLWINNING #SOBERNSEXYASF #GRATITUDE


Resteem, Upvote & Follow @annaaa



Fight with our own thoughts is hardest one because we can't control our thoughts. The more we push away ourselves from our addictions they more powerful the become.

The best way to rid of any addiction is to meditate. I would recommend to don't ever get attracted to things which you know can ruin your life.

What do you think @annaaa