How You Use Your Time Today Determines How You'll Look Tomorrow.

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

You are who you are because of how you manage your time.

What is time? According to wikipedia, Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. Life on earth is measured in times and seasons. One special feature of time is that it is irreversible.

Every man is a direct product of what he does with his time. As common as the word 'time' is, it is what determines your success or failure. A successful man is a product of appropriate time management. Tell me how you manage your time today and I will tell you where you will find your self tomorrow.

Time management is as important to life the same way breathe is important to life. How do you manage your time? What do you spend your time doing every day? Do you invest your time or do you just 'spend' it? Effective people are those that invest their time. If you want your life to count, you better start investing it. Stop spending your time! Invest it!

How do you invest your time? Make sure you use your time daily doing something that improves you. Be wise with your time. Stop spending the bulk of your time doing something that adds nothing to you. This is what we call wasting of time. Take my advice, spend your time investing on literature. This is what I call the most vital investment. Learn how to read wide. Keep reading and reading and never stop. This is an effective way to invest your time.

"Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each." –Christopher Rice

Stop wasting your time! Learn how to invest it. Effective people use their free time to read. Develop an undying passion for books. This is the effective way to invest your time. Keep developing yourself. You will never regret doing it.
