If we can deal with those little bruises on our ego we may progress fast, imo.
I'm not very comfortable with cats! Once i was at a place with lots of cats and every time one of them jumped on my arm i was jumping too! The owner gave me a good tip. He said worst case scenario is they are going to scratch your arm a little bit. Bring your arm ahead and let them scratch it. Then it's over for a lifetime. I think we can deal with those bruises on our ego the same way. If we welcome them with a little courage then we'll get rid of them quickly. lesson learned and the little pain passed in a blink of an eye. Even it doesn't have to be painful if we approach it with right attitude. Sooner or later those bruises gonna happen anyway.
That is very true. I always ask myself what is the worse that can happen? If you ask yourself that enough times you will find yourself laughing from tge absurdity of you answers. Thank you for reading and sharing your cat story