Not sure I agree with the mojo drain you seem to be describing, although I have shifted to posting far less content in recent weeks than normal.
With Winter arriving, most of the content I usually photograph (trees, garden) are not very presentable. I tend to have more working hours in Winter to keep me busy, and away from my computer.
The main thing I have been squeamish about is the lack of leadership taking responsibility for the high turnover rates in new users. I get excited every time I see new users posting incredible content, and my enthusiasm drains right out when they disappear a few months later. The majority of new posts I read are still focused on how to get more rewards, rather than how to reward more people. So I think we fundamentally have a greed loop built into the blockchain rewards that will eventually suck our user base dry of activity.
It is very disconcerting watching the SP in my account rise, and watching the account value depreciate far faster over the last two years. Makes me want to focus less on content, and more on supporting others through curation.
My voting power was over $7 at its highest point, and now it is barely $0.02, even though I have lots more SP than before. I can imagine how new users feel thinking they will be able to grow quickly, and find their votes are still not worth a penny after months of hard work.
The main reason I'm feeling in the dumps this week is because dtube and dsound don't seem to play my recent uploads when I try to access my posts on my phone. It's like they only work for a little while, but not the next day later.
we have a greed loop built into the blockchain rewards that will eventually suck our user base dry of activity
100% accurate.
Excuse me for replying to something that's months old but I just wanted to let you know that I have never been able to access Dlive until the app became available on iPhone. So although I don't check in very often I have been missing even more that was published there.
Yes this is an old post. Any particular reason you chose this place to bring Dlive into the conversation? Maybe you thought that's what I was talking about. Think I mentioned dtube and dsound dropping my uploaded content too quickly, but I never mentioned Dlive. Are you trying to let me know you had similar difficulties using this dapp?
Yes, I could never get Dtube to load and didn't try Dsound so I was please that I could get the app for Dlive on my iPhone