Excuses are rationalizations we make to ourselves about people, events, and circumstances.
No matter the situation you find yourself, learn to take things the way you see them. Don't give excuses, make efforts for you shall have stories to tell.
I have a few tips for you guys on avoiding these excuses, all points listed below are from my experiences. I hope this changes your life too.
It's just brief.
+Take full responsibility for the events and circumstances of your life. If you don't or can't accept these challenges, it's impossible to even make a move. Not accepting your challenges and mistakes is taking excuses indirectly.
+Focus on completing the tasks you started, or found yourself in.
+Belief in your ability to complete a task.
+Reflect on past successes. Using ur past successes as a reference point will really boost your moral.
+Don’t expect to be perfect because setbacks and pauses will occur in your journey.
+Don't be scared of making mistakes, all except them, in fact, make mistakes your friend so you will know how to deal with it.
+Remove all traces of fear. See! In this life, don't be scared of anyone or anything. I tell you authoritatively, no one should determine what you do or the way you live your life. Be your own boss. Fear is a very bad disease. Avoid it.
Living a life of excuses can have dire and lasting consequences. Not only will excuses prevent you from reaching your full potential, but they will also hold you back from seeing opportunities. You’re only failing yourself if you keep letting yourself down.
Don't get angry when you find yourself in circumstances you feel you can't conquer, Get WISE and WISER till u succeed.
Thanks for your time, hope that was helpful.
Your boy @deandaniel
Thanks man..
Really really help.. Was a victim.