Life and its struggle

in #motivation5 years ago

We all need something to struggle against and something to struggle for. Our Purpose in life is not to avoid struggles but to have the right ones. Keep struggling, Keep striving, and you will succeed.


The way people treat you is a direct reflection of the way they feel about themselves, so it’s important not to mold yourself based on other people’s opinions, because really - that’s living through other people’s insecurities. Love yourself or lose yourself. You know whats best.

I’m ready for a final ending. I’m ready for a new beginning. A life where my efforts and hard work actually forge tangible progress and results. I’m ready for a better earth experience. It’s long over due.

I put an endless amount of effort and affection into someone and tried to give them what they’ve never had before. And yet still I’m the bad one. I sure hope you’re happy. Cause I’m out for good.

Notice your behavior, become aware of your actions. Sometimes we condemn and judge others for what we are not proud of within ourselves. As soon as you acknowledge it, you have the power to change it.

We can’t expect our life to change if we only put in work on the days that we feel like it. Stop relying so much on being inspired or motivated, those moments are rare and short-lived. Rely on better habits and hard work, it will take you farther than any inspiration could.

: On the journey to success, make sure you help your friends come up with you! You don’t wanna be the only one who can afford that vacation.

Everyone has same 168 hours a week. Key to success is how productive you are each hour of the day. Invest a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to prepare and stay organized.

Your soul knows when something is real, authentic and true. No matter what anyone else try’s to say or persuade you of, the truth will always feel different. You can’t fake it. Your heart knows when something resonates. Trust those feelings.

The universe is constantly conspiring to give you everything you want. You just have to stop underestimating the power of simply withdrawn your energy from a personal situation or relationship. Time to start sacrificing the habits that are standing in the way of your success

So many things that use to have a hold over us are losing their grip. If it isn’t real and based in love and truth, it just doesn’t matter anymore. Retrain your energy, focus it on what you want to see more of. No more giving into fears.

When you stretch yourself, when you struggle against your setbacks in pursuit of your goals, you grow. This growth is what brings you never ending fulfillment. Never quit.

: Focus on the process. Focus on your journey. Focus on your path. Commit to your goals. And don’t quit. Results will take care of themselves.

Sometimes we dont know how important the loss of certain people or things from our life will be until we look back at it later. Sometimes it takes losing something else to actually find ourselves So, dont get so wrapped up in worrying about what you lose. There’s so much to gain.

As your vibration is raising you will become very clear on what is dragging you down and what needs to be let go of. Do not resist or fight this when it shows up. Make the space and clear out the old.


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