“Change – to become different: to make somebody / something different: to stop having one state, position or direction and start having another.” - Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Change is the only constant thing. Yes, it is the most used words even for those who will never take to accepting the good in life.
Change is life and without change, life will be vain and uninteresting. The campaign for change is a strong one with a global approval, and we all long for that change that will make a difference. Unfortunately, the kind of change we have today makes one shed tears and stay unmotivated.
The question is not about if we should change, it is not about if change is good, it is not about whether we can be the better for it, it is not even about if it will be a good time or thing to change.
The question is.., Can people change? Even if they put themselves out there to change, can they change? When people change, will the ecosystem not be loosing something? And when they do not change, will the world become better besides them?
People are who they are.
People can change 10-15% if they really want to change, whether it is for them or for the people they love.
It is pretty much difficult for us to change the whole 100% or even 50%. As humans that we are, we can change that little not because we can’t do better, but because we are just being human by nature, full of the things that concerns us alone and personally selfish by nature.
Change happens irrespective of the push allocated it, and changing is what we should strive to do on daily basis.
People may give you 10%-15% or even less, but that to me sounds about enough because the person who tries to change that much will one day change enough.
Change is the only constant thing; can you tell why that is?
The Blockchain has become a darling to so many and Steemit a bedrock of existence for so many, but then, when change beckons, will you be willing to make that move and even try to make some adjustments even for 10%?
Will you heed the call to embrace the new reality?
Remember, Something big is coming!!!
Who are you changing for? What will you change for?
How many percent will you be willing to change if you decide to change?
Is the change model for you or are you just like the word change when spoken with little or no conviction?
Image from Pixabay
Some things change for the better, others for the worse but for myself I am battling to change myself for the the best that I can achieve in this lifetime.
nice post....the world need changes to advance :)
Change is indeed the only constant thing and a sign of growth.
I'd be changing for myself and the world at large. Being a better person today, than I was yesterday is my goal.
I'm willing to change a significant amount of my myself if it's necessary to adapt new system.
Thanks for this.
I am motivated.
The fact is Change begins with you and I
I am happy reading this post on Change it is edifying and can turn a heart to a better direction or better still right path.Truly @ejemai we all seek for a change that would bring perfection and balance.
It's easy to say to change some one into a different one,but it always difficult to do.You said it right that if people wants to change he can change maximum 10-15%,but it's difficult to do.
Sure, @ejamai change is seriously needed but is still a two way thing. Is either you change for the good or bad. But narrowing change down to blockchain many still refuse to change calling blockchain a scam especially in Africa and down in my own country Nigeria. When I heard about this great news, I adjusted my lifestyle. So we all need to be flexible so we can move with the trend. But even if we believe it or not, change must be.
Sincerely speaking, many of us expects changes from others when nothing about us have changed. Our society is like this today because we forgot that charity they said begins at home. As for me, I strongly believe in that adage that said remove first the speck in your eyes before trying to remove others. Thanks for that wonderful write-up because it concerns everybody.
indeed....we need change to evolve....that's the fact :)
Actually we are always changing, since my son was born, for example, my life has changed completely, so if I believe in changes of more than 50% even steemit changed my life, cryptomonedas changed many things and many of us changed our vision, maybe if I stay here, but the future is full of change that nobody knows.
Excuse my English use translator
Yes at least according to my favourite scientist
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
Charles Darwin.
so if you want to last in the fight, keep changing, it cause improvement irrespective of the 'result' of change.
I always have this inner excitement and drive when ever I read your post. They are always full of quality. I love this part
One thing is certain in life and which is change, someone you might be helping today, will be the same person backbiting you tomorrow . Yes! humans do that a lot, we just have to embrace what life throws at us, most times it's for our lifting. #Respect
Nice post....
Its either you change or you get changed