Get Going. Move Forward. Aim High...

in #motivation7 years ago

"Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me; you'll love it up here."- Donald J. Trump

I Feel Blessed!

I think we all know that Donald trump is the President of the United States and that he was once a playboy and talks too much and doesn't mince words. So, when he says you should get moving, I think you should.

You see, if you do not get going, move forward, aim high or live without having a takeoff plan, you will just be static. You must not live with the attitude of just being pretty, handsome or slaying, but with one that shows you are more capable to be exceptional than you quite know.

With the right attitude, you will be well positioned for the right takeoff, altitude and subsequent landing that will make it worth every effort you put into making that work count.
I have been up in the clouds in the real sense (airplane trips) and it actually felt good and I am sure it will continually feel awesome to stay up there.

Being in the lower rungs of the ladders can really be crowded and that is because, it is cool, easy to hold on to and it enables you to still have your feet on the ground.
Meanwhile, as you move up the ladder, it becomes slippery, tiny to hold and scary; your feet have no footing on the ground, and it gets wobbly as well. Only few are bold enough to keep making that effort to climb the slippery ladder, brave the fear of height and falling.

Get going, make a move today, do not worry about the difficulties that may abound and I can very well guarantee that you will love it!

Make the world a better place for someone today!


nice upvote and resteem

Little reward exists for being stuck at the bottom of the ladder. The sun and everything, literally, answers to those who keep taking steps to get better, to move up the ladder.

So I say, Move up.

Very inspirational
Reading this early morning gives me a nudge

Monday juiceGod bless you @ejemai

Very insightful and indeed too true @ejemai. Anyone can be up and doing if there's a willingness, virtually the power to make any desired acceleration has always been in our hands. Thanks a million for sharing this sir... Regards.

And there goes my mentor!

Yes Sir! No days to waste just keep getting better everyday!

You cannot fly until you crawl first. I think it's important that we do not neglect small beginnings like the Bible tells us. Whatever experience we acquire, no matter how little can affect our future. Start somewhere. Make efforts to improve. Actually improve. Learn from mistakes. Understand that mistakes are not bad things. Enjoy the ride. Thanks @ejemai for sharing