in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

To someone other than yourself, achieving your full potential is seen as a crazy stunt that may eventually kill you, leave you drained, hated and or poor..jpg

The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but life...life that fails to fulfill it's purpose and potential.- Myles Munroe.

Potential is given for the benefit of many and not for the benefit of one. What is potential and why has it become the evil without?

Potential is the unexposed ability of an individual. - Reserved power. -Dormant gifts. -Untapped strength.
Potential is the unused awesomeness of an individual.

Many people have been robbed of their potential by society and the world at large through the minimal opportunities handed them. Some have who been bold enough to move beyond their borders to share with the world the amazing gift they have within, are stopped half way because the world mostly fails them when they need her to stand with them.

We cannot completely know how much potential has been deposited in the grave, but we are so sure it is A LOT. Imagine if the world was blessed with just 10% of the potentials of everyone ever born. How awesome would the world be?

Imagine if individually we are allowed to gift that one thing we truly know how to do to the world, there will be honey as rain and sugar as snow.


  • SOCIETY.- This is one of the major limitation to the achievement of potential. Many are born into a box of lies and taught the one thing that makes sense - LIMITATION.
    Unlike the developed world where the society creates enabling environment for her citizenry, the undeveloped society provides limits and introduces measure with which you are to live. For many who initially thought they'd go beyond borders to attain greatness, they get stuck when they find out there is nothing close to a win where they are.

  • PEOPLE.- This is one limitation that adds to the damage already done by society. Many are profiled based on the family they come from, the community they belong to, the color of their skin, their ethnic nationality, their religious affiliation and their outward appearance. People are the biggest undoing of the advancement of man's domination of the world through their hidden yet untapped abilities.
    Being a national of a nation filled with crooks and corrupt leaders doesn't necessarily point to the fact that all are the same. What makes you see the crooked and corrupt people in a society is the availability of the few who aren't crooked and corrupt, because if all were corrupt, it would be the best practice.

  • SELF.- I am the stumbling block to my advancement the minute I allow the thoughts of the Society, other People and myself to preach to me that I cannot be anything close to what I dream I will be. That is why the quote above clearly states that death is not even as bad as a life lived without fulfilling it's purpose.
    Potential untapped or disallowed to take wings become the evil within and without. You must make sure to tell yourself the truth and that is, YOU CAN DO IT.
    Wanting the moon is amazing, I mean it is the moon and then you ask someone to get you the moon and they tell you it is impossible. I don't think getting the moon is impossible, in fact whenever I ask for the moon I believe I should get the moon. Don't tell me it is impossible, just get me the damn moon!
    How do you do that? Cut it out from a paper, draw it, paint it, or take a picture, and if you can like Gru in Despicable Me, Steal the moon! The thought is what counts and the same goes for achieving a goal.


  • Don't have a thousand reasons why you cannot do what you want to; all you need is one reason why you can.
  • Know that, you are capable of much more than you are presently thinking, imagining, being or doing. Refuse to be satisfied with your latest accomplishments.
  • Release the potential you carry inside you and rob the grave of that potential.
  • Know that the potential you carry inside you is yours to use and it is very expensive only if you can tap it.
  • Learn to take responsibility for your ability because it is the knowledge of ability that introduces responsibility.

My PoV:
Do not let circumstances, people and self tell you different. You are powerful beyond your imagination and all you need to do to see that is by taking a leap.
Take the leap and fall, take the leap again and fall, in fact fall a thousand times more it doesn't matter. What will matter is that you did something to rob the grave of one more potential.

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Quote source: Myles Munroe- Releasing your Potential.
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Awesome and inspiring post!

thank you

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]

thank you for reading and sharing. :(

This is a very inspiring post. Thanks for sharing @ejemai

thank you

Insightful article, thanks for posting!

thank you for reading