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RE: Quote of the day: "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have."

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

This quote for me is a work-in-progress, a hard one, because most of the time the mind tends to be somewhere in the future or clinging to the past, and I believe that's what creates unhappiness. So, I have to make an effort, every day, to sit still or close my eyes for a quick or sometimes long moment to remind myself that life is happening right here, right now, and that all is great! When I lived in S. Korea, all I would think about was my life in the US, then when I moved to Singapore, all I would talk about was how great it was in S.Korea. Now that I am in Italy, I catch myself again dreaming about Singapore and getting irritated at how things are here...based on this pattern, it looks like when I leave Italy, I will be dreaming about my life here, so I'd better start to love every single moment that is left...ha! it's hard to be aware at all times how lucky and priviledged we are to be alive, healthy and able to move and travel. So a little daily reminder is necessary to stay humble, appreciate, love and treasure everything we have and everybody we love!