Don't do what the whales do: You will crash and burn!!!

in #motivation7 years ago

So on more than one occasion I have seen where a whale would write about let's say "Kermit the frog" FOR EXAMPLE and I mean the post be spitting out SBDs like its hooked to an SBD ATM machine and it has your soul hanging jaws.. Lol...


...and then you take out your time to read through the posts and yes a few times, the post makes sense and have you wishing to meet kermit the frog in person and get maybe a kiss or two, I mean he just has to turn into a prince! 😂 .... It gets that good.

And then there are those times, that you read through the posts and be thinking to yourself "Kermit you gotta see this, they are playing with you bro" but then again the outcome is still same and the post still be spitting out SBD like rain from the heavens...

That gets you upset don't it? Na not me.

While been a whale almost mean, in fact it does mean you can get away with anything here on Steemit, been a minnow you can't.

Hell you can even make a post about the love of your life named Kermit and be flagged to the Gods for it. (how dare the love of your life bare same name as Kermit the frog)

What to do? I'm getting to it.

Waiting kermit 18022018075136.jpg

How about you do what you and only you can do for a change!

Forget the whales, forget Kermit the frog or his sister named Kermosa( my keypad came up with that name.. Lol) forget it all and just do you.

I still get I would say "star-struck" when ever I get a big payout on my post. What's big to me? 0.02... It doesn't stop me from breathing fine, or makes me give up on posting... When @teamsteem once visited my post, I was shook, walking around like a boss that whole week... Lol

I mean why should been a whale be your goal anyway! We are all getting there someday right? As long as you are consistent, as long as you are persistent, as long as you are original, as long as your happiness isn't based on how much upvotes you got or not, as long as.....( You help me out here)... It goes on and on right!

Why should been a whale be your goal.

It's like taking a road trip to Uuhhh, (gimme a place now would you).. Uh or let's say a visit to the pyramids of Egypt and let's say along the way there are bumps, the flight was delayed, the tour guide had a bad reaction to something, the camel got sick..( there are camels there right... Don't judge me if I'm wrong) and while you might get upset at these situations, deep down you are still so excited because it's only a matter of time!!!

Someone say time!
Again... Time!!!

Whether the tour guide gets sick or the flight got delayed, we are still going to see that pyramid...and take alot of damn selfies and more.

And after that has been done, there's still places to see, it's a beautiful world out there.... Don't come to Nigeria though (I'm kidding you should, it's a wonderful place)

When been a whale is your goal and you get to it, what then? You sit on your high horse, which I'm sure you gonna name kermit by the way.. Lol..and be flagging the life outta newbies and do whatever you want coz you can!
And then you forget those days of you wishing for a large payout.

Life is already complicated on its own, don't add to it yourself and then blame others for making you do that( like why the hell you doing that) and just be happy about everything instead.
You get a post of 0.02, be happy bout it...we getting bigger.

Enjoy the journey and not be so focused on the "destination" even that changes with time too.

Make friends along the way, smile..dont ponder on what you think you lost(which is nothing by the way)...





Yes dear; we are all getting there. Dunno what the fuss, powerplay and flagging is all about. Its ao annoying!

Thank you for saying that, it's so annoying. Like its a social media guys, chillax!

Dante is here, No Fear

A minnow cannot act like a whale na..

Some try to copy them

It's a gradual process dear..i see you getting there soonest...whale all the way