Never Look Down On Anyone Because They Need Your Help, Where You Think You Are A Boss, There Is Always Someone Superior

in #motivation7 years ago

If people could just learn the habit of not looking down on people, then we will have a better place to live in and we will as well become beneficial to each other.

There is something that has become a very common habit these days and that habit is that: whenever people get to their place of work, they begin to act like gods as if those who are coming to meet them for assistance are jobless. I know that some people can relate with this experience, where you will want to see a boss in a position and the secretary will act as if you are bothering or disturbing her when all that she is supposed to do is just to carry out her duty.

Some of them will even take it to the extent of insulting you. My friend was narrating her experience to me when she went to the bank the other day, she has a very small stature so this makes people disrespect her a lot.
She told me that while she was waiting to see one of the workers, a lady said to her, you come get this thing for me and all she did was fake a smile because she was really angry.

She felt really insulted but she said nothing until she saw the person she had come to see, but the reason why some workers act in this manner is just a thing I cannot understand. Another instance was when I had to go a government hospital sometime back for a checkup and the receptionist was playing a very loud music.
A woman was in pain and she tried to talk to the receptionist to reduce the volume of the music and all the receptionist did was to hiss and rain abusive words on the old woman.
Madam please, I was not the one who has put you in this painful condition, so do not disturb me with your issues, how does playing a loud music affect your health? the receptionist said and continued playing the music.

I was angry, but there was nothing I could do in a situation like that because this was her office and all we had to do was to get a superior officer to report the issue to.
The old woman went back to her seat and simply made a simple call which made the receptionist lose her job immediately.

So many people have a very bad attitude and the most annoying part is that they begin to show their real attitude when they get to a little position of authority, they simply forget the fact that the people they are treating with disrespect also have a place where they are treated as bosses.
If only, we could change our mindset about somethings, the world will become a safe and better place for everyone to live in.

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Well said @gbenga. One thing people do forget is tables could turn around so easily. Any incapacitation can put that high and mighty boss into a dependant pauper. I always tell people, you are not and never better than anyone. Being previlaged to enjoy some benefits does not means it can't be taken away or stopping someone else from enjoying same. Humility as easy as it sounds is one of the most difficult thing for people to have.

If someone is superior to yourself, I think he is blind.I am absolutely agree with you...In every sector there is always someone superior.@gbenga..

Highly motivational and inspirational post thanks for sharing

I agree 99.8% with you on this

Thank you so much about this topic. In fact, this quality does not remain in everyone. Everyone thinks that they are bosses themselves. And what if the boss? Everyone but people We all should keep these issues in mind. It's very nice to hear your words. carry on buddy & best wishes for you.

Most people with these bad attitude don't make progress.

Many tend to treat people for what they have, rather than for who they are. That's a huge mistake.

Valuing people must come first. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, whether or not, the person is rich.

Maybe this is how human being are made of,when we find ourself in a big positions ,we do as if we are at the peak, and look down on people. People that may be our boss tomorrow or next

Yea,that's so true,if people could just walk together in brotherly love,it will be great,its wrong to ever look down on people because you don't even know what the future hold for now of you,so it's good we live together to make life better.

And also some people are just too proud and that's a very negative altitude and people who are like that dont go far in life,they get stuck along the way because of such boastful and arrogant altitude,look at what the bible says,Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

You have said it all. Humility controls it all.

Wow i was truly touched by this lines

If people could just learn the habit of not looking down on people, then we will have a better place to live in and we will as well become beneficial to each other.

On steemit for instance it you may comment to call someone that just signed up a newbie and they possibility is always high.
The truth is that even though the person amy be a newbie on steemit he/she may be an expert in other areas off steemit. And may be the person you would need tommorow.
Lets love one another and steem on

Thanks @gbenga for always inspiring me

Well said bro. It is really said to see someone look down on anyone simply because he needs help. No one knows tomorrow. It could be that same person that was looked down on today that could be needed for a particular favour tomorrow.
That is why we have to be cautious how we relate to people.

Nice piece man

I remember an incidence on this nature. There was a day I was cleaning up my compound. A neighbor brought a man to my house that I can help him purchase large amount of btc. I was very dirty that day, because of my appearance, he doubted me and said he was uncomfortable working with me.

After a week he cameback to me without my neighbor. He said he was trying to send part of his bitcoin to a wallet address but was unsuccessful . I told him to login let me see, he was reluctant. I was still unhappy with how I was embarrassed by him the other day. So I bluntly told him I couldn't help without me seeing his wallet.

After two days, he came back, after checking his wallet, I discovered that the coin he bought was unconfirmed. He almost collapsed because he didn't understand the meaning of unconfirmed.

To cut the story short, I helped in accelerating the coin and till today he his grateful knowing me and we have done multiple transaction.

It is a lesson indeed for general viewer to learn how to respect who so ever with you, and never look them like they are nothing, I want you to believe this that we are all equal in eyes of the Lord. Nice one @gbenga and I will remember this often not to look down on human in general.

This is a very important topic and I thank you for speaking up. It is very common that people, in general, when they meet a certain standard in life, they forget where they came from. Some of us tend to forget that one day we can be on the top of the mountain but the other day we are on the street, wondering where we are going to sleep. Life is unpredictable. The best we can do is to spread the kindness and motivate others to do the same. We alone can't change the world, but we can certainly contribute to that change.

It doesn't end with you, you are not the first, you'll certainly not be the last. Positions are but for a while

There is a saying that while going up, don't forget those you meet on the road because they may be the same people you will meet on your way coming down.

Power intoxicate. No matter how little or big. Ever wondered why a class captain in secondary school suddenly become arrogant? He now has power. Ever wondered why politicians change when they are elected? They now have power.
But with the abuse of power comes a great price to pay.