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Long silent from you! I hate this silent! What happened bro? Are you okay? I heard news about Forest Fire again! I hope it's not a problem to you and I wish you are okay too! Everyday I checked your great quote and now it's three days I didn't get any! Hope everything will be alright and hope I can watch a great quote today or tomorrow!@greatpath,


Once we learn to enjoy our life , we enjoy everything . Negative thoughts of life always brings us down

Yes.... nice qoute by @greatpath

  1. Enjoy your is wonderful qoute...yes...I really like it....
  2. I think we always try enjoy our life in every moments...every secands...every minutes...
  3. We try happy start.....happy continues....and happy ending our life possitions...
  4. But....I is not easy...we have more barries in our life....we always try archive our goals via barries...
  5. Remember....please archive your goals with smile face and happy moments...

Fantastic quote @greatpath, Happiness is no doubt so important and it's also the key to success, In the event that you are recently working for money, you can not be happy. On the off chance that you work which you want to do, Success is yours. In the event that you are not happy, you can not center, you can not buckle down, your psyche gets occupied which certainly does not lead you towards Success, if you want to be happy be grateful for the life you have and try to find something positive in every situation. thanks for sharing

Thanks for the motivation today greatpath. Happy is all that matters in life and with it you can conquer the world.

Life is meant to be enjoyed but in the meantime we forget everything during our life span its the little moment's that matter they make us what we are be happy be free :)

That is why i like to enjoy every bit of my life i try to live freely without any restrictions because rules are meant to be break haha :)

Life would have been better for most people if only they enjoyed the little things that have, than trying to gain the whole world and yet restive, insecure and paranoia.

Our sojourn on earth is a fleeting tour, let's stay happy while we can.

Thanks for the message @greatpath

And IN the end, it is the little things that really matter.

Thanks a lot for this @greatpath

Life is fully enjoyed when we are happy from inside and there is no magnitude of measuring happiness but just a curve on face is enough to be happy so enjoy and live :)

The first step to enjoy life is to love yourself, nice video man! :)

a really inspiring message @greatpath we should live happily and freely as we live each day without fear we experience something new each day good to see your post once again :)

you are giving the best advice for the life is all the most important, is a way loooking for success and happynes who can life with ´peace without have happyness. all the things material will have finished a day

A simple, powerful but hard to follow advice. Dreaming is good but sometimes we need a break and enjoy the things we already have ! is short so enjoy it..

to enjoy your life more, you should have someone to care about you or love you in your side to share this moment with him . nice video & owesome.....

this is great man..
life is short so enjoy it...

In this life full of stress we sometimes forget to even smile and miss those little moments which are very precious to us we should enjoy as much as we can as we have only one life to live so be happy and enjoy the love

We should live freely and enjoy every moment's life give us because as we grew older we miss those small moment's great message now time to live and enjoy life.

Thank you for sharing nice quote @greatpath Its really matters to be happy because if you are not happy you can't enjoy your life.So be happy and Enjoy your life Cheer!

A simple, powerful but hard to follow advice. Dreaming is good but sometimes we need a break and enjoy the things we already have !

Life get's tough when we don't enjoy time to enjoy those happiness in life and cherish every single moment life is one live it freely

happiness is attaining something which is most important to you as compared to all other things. Happiness is also said to be a way to have positive attitude towards life. Happiness can also be attained by doing good deeds towards others or treating others the way that makes you and them happy as well so enjoy the ride of life :)

Enjoy your life, cause you're not getting a second one.
Enjoy your every single day, cause by the end of it you'll be wiser than yesterday.
We are special, and should cherish our every moment for when gone there is no way to bring it back...

Happiness fulfill our dreams if its not present with us everything we do it will be boring it there is no sense of sanctification do everything which makes you happy from inside

In life, everything is temporary. If everything goes well - enjoy it, it will not last forever. Well, if everything is lousy - do not fret, it's also not forever.

It has some basic truth, some life direction, yet so shallow in its desires.. Life isn't only a restricted perspective of some "awesome truth".. Would we be able to be really cheerful, while your friends and family, those most dear, endured egregiously and kicked the bucket generally dishonorably..

Lucky to have incredible riches, yet frosty to all else.. Not the normal man, nor the normal lady.. Nor to be sure, the late Audrey Hepburn. The quote is simply a cherished wish, figured, that among all the agony of a normal lifetime we can best triumph over the debacles, the disasters, of presence, by having the last grin.. Furthermore, the same number of them we can summon..
Upvoted and Steem on.. Cheers..

Upvote/ ResteemThat`s great video you sharing @greatpath. If we enjoy our life necessary need to search happiness, success, peach and other human beings. Great work

to enjoy your life more, you should have someone to care about you or love you in your side to share this moment with him . nice video

happiness is attaining something which is most important to you as compared to all other things. Happiness is also said to be a way to have positive attitude towards life. Happiness can also be attained by doing good deeds towards others or treating others the way that makes you and them happy as well so enjoy the ride of life :)

That`s great video you sharing @greatpath. If we enjoy our life necessary need to search happiness, success, peach and other human beings. Great work

Good quote and I would add - Enjoy your life, it's the only one you've got!

We're on this plant for a time which we don't know; however, the statistics can give you a clue.

Don't waste your short time here. Take charge of your life and do all you can do to enjoy it!

I upvote all comments and replies to all of my post to help my fellow Steemians earn Steemit rewards and gain voting power! We should all do this to promote the growth of our community.

upvoted and resteemed

Nice phrase, well i am sure it's harder to be happy if you are poor compared to if you were a millionaire. But more success, more money, will not bring you happiness. If they do, it will be short lived, so the question is then how do you be happy? Very simple, you just decide to be happy. You don't need to wait for something to 'happen' to be happy. You don't need to be in your dream relationship with the love of your life to be happy. You don't need to own your dream car, boat, house to be happy. You simply decide.

That right now, at this moment you are happy. As you're reading this, just smile. And see how that changes your emotions.

Lastly, you become happy first, and then successful.

Yes... we don`t know when we are going from the life. Between that period we

have to success for our life and have to enjoy with the happiness.

Never having suffering..

Have a nice day!!!

We should live freely and enjoy every moment's life give us because as we grew older we miss those small moment's great message now time to live and enjoy life. bring such motivational thoughts each day that we all love reading it..well said..Life is short and so we must know how to enjoy our life ..Life is a one time offer..

Thanks for the motivation today greatpath. Happy is all that matters in life and with it you can conquer the world

Almost 6 days gone haven't saw a post in a while it was like a habit now hope everything is ok :) love to see your inspiration post's

whoever sees this post i wish have loads of happiness in life and spread the love around like @greatpath does :)

Absolutely right.. Life is short and we do not have to make it complicated. We need to live a happy life, so we have take every outcome positively, than no matter what happens we can enjoy our life and be happy.

(1) The paradoxial wisdom and smarted thing to do in life is "just go on enjoying your life".

(2) Not to dwell into the past, not to worry about the future, best way is to enjoy each and every moment in present and make the life happening, make the life joyful.

(3) My life is just a bag of good and bad, I will just throw the bad and whatever remains is good only, so I will keep on enjoying with the good one.

(4) To be inspirational and motivation is as easy as living a simple, joyful life with content.

Thank you so much @greatpath for this video.

Excellent expression and I think that often a person understands what it would be worth to spend his life when there is already nothing to spend. Only very few live today. Most are preparing to live later. Life is like a coin. You can spend it as you please, but only once. Thank you @greatpath

An awesome quote by @greatpath :-

(1) We must enjoy our life to remain happy, who knows whether we will be there tomorrow or not.

(2) Everything around us is moving, and who knows we are missing those valuable moments, so lets stay happy and enjoy our life.

(3) Lets be like a baby who always remain happy and in content, so lets try to be like baby.

(4) Happiness if out true sense, the very moral of our life, and we get sorrow and pain only because of our deeds.

Thank you.

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Actually your thinking and post are seriously really great.

It's a really great video to motivate anyone, who is afraid of his/her life.

wow that's right .
life is so shot .
so enjoy in your life...,

absolutely right! happiness is for the ones who live in the present and embraces the good things and don't over-contemplate the bad things in life. thinking positive the the key to happiness - thank you for the much-needed reminder @greatpath

Enjoying our life to the fullest is the only goal of human life. We must focus on the positive sides of the things and if we fail, we should learn from our mistakes and take actions accordingly.

you have to do this, because life does not give you the second chance, so feel the life.

Life is short, even for those who spend their time finding it long. You have to enjoy your life and the things it offers you. Everything can be so quickly lost ..

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