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Emotions shall indeed be in own control! But this requires somehow the ability to be independent! In addition, inner peace can only be reached when also being able to accept!
Thank you for the wise comment.
when we can become our own boss then we can achieve the inner peace amd also have to control our emotions and never let anyone to look deep inside us who don't deserve to look.
I like your comment, "when we can become our own boss then we can achieve the inner peace amd also have to control our emotions..."
Today you shared a great quote again! Actually inner peace can be archive via meditation which learnt by Lord Buddha in Buddhism. Controlling the mind is the only way to make inner peace! In this quote it defined as "Not to allow another person or event to control your emotions"! That means we need to control our mind and then it automatically made the control of our body! So, this is a great quote and thank you very much for sharing such great quote with us!@greatpath,
It's also best not to allow outer influences to "control" or program your subconscious.
One reason people often fail to "achieve" is their subconscious and conscious minds are not aligned. This happens by allowing the random barrage of information we encounter each day to program our subconscious.
I suggest taking charge of that subconscious programming to achieve inner piece as well as your dreams.
I upvote all comments and replies on all my posts to help my fellow Steemians earn Steemit rewards. :)
Yes, that is a good point, "It's also best not to allow outer influences to "control" or program your subconscious."
absolutely true!
Our rich inner world is only needed by ourselves, a rich inner world is the vehicle of a unique soul, pure, beautiful. If we open for all the doors, then we lose ourselves to the true forever, and to the abyss.
Thanks for the great comment.
Nice quote @greatpath When we find that balance in our life and have inner peace then its easy to create whatever we want in life.
Yes, "When we find that balance in our life and have inner peace then its easy to create whatever we want in life." Thanks for your comment.
very nice quote @greatpath, for whatever length of time that you permit things or individuals, outside of your control, to push your catches, your inward peace will resemble a thrill ride. You will feel awesome and settled one minute, and totally smothered the following. This cycle will rehash itself again and again, until the point that it begins to deplete you rationally, physically, and inwardly. Inward peace begins with a cognizant choice to not enable other individuals or occasions to influence us inwardly. simply don't think about them literally. This takes teach, rehearse, and a considerable measure of persistence, however it should be possible.
Thanks for the great comment, "Inward peace begins with a cognizant choice to not enable other individuals or occasions to influence us inwardly."
so motivational quote, well you need to deal with yourself first. In the event that you are in consistent turmoil, continually getting irritated with another person's activities, or occasions that you have no influence over, it will deplete you. You will have nothing left to provide for those you look after, as the majority of your vitality will be spent simply treading water to keep up your rational soundness. That is horrible quality of life! Deal with yourself; keep up your internal peace and your life will never be the same again.
Yes, good point, "you need to deal with yourself first...Deal with yourself; keep up your internal peace and your life will never be the same again..."
Absolutely right @greatpath a person has his own life and rules and he dont need other person to control over his feelings passion desire happiness emotions ! :)
Great comment, "a person has his own life and rules and he dont need other person to control over his feelings passion desire happiness emotions "
Thanku so much :)
its a feelings and truthness and faith on you to belive it could be happen, relativity is great factor and ethics made on true this, thanks for sharing.
That's a great comment, "its a feelings and truthness and faith on you to belive it could be happen..."
hahahaha you are like that's a great comment " That's a great comment, "its a feelings and truthness and faith on you to belive it could be happen..." " hahahahahahaha :D
Good topic today, @greatpath. Allow only yourself to change your state. Otherwise, you will be buffeted about like a leaf in a strong breeze, unable to decide your own direction.
That is great analogy, "Allow only yourself to change your state. Otherwise, you will be buffeted about like a leaf in a strong breeze, unable to decide your own direction."
@greatpath - Yes, this is absolutely correct Sir.. Inner Peace is mainly the "Spiritual Calm" of a person. If someone wants to get that "Spiritual Calm", he or she should not allow for another person to take decisions about themselves. I mean we must not let another person to control our feelings, emotions and the spirit.
We should not let anybody to take our self confidence away from us. And, we should not let anybody to put us down. And we have just one life. So we should do whatever we like and we should live life by doing things as we think they are correct. Then only begins the "Inner Peace"(Spiritual Calm) in our mind...
+W+ [Upvoted]
Thank you for your great statement, "Inner Peace is mainly the "Spiritual Calm" of a person."
:) You are most welcome Sir...
I am learning so much from your video's with wise quotes and words, and trying to apply everything in my daily life. I also get alot of confirmation :)
Yes very true greatpath. This is a true quote, that is why i don't how to instantly analysis it because am just seeing it for the first time. A great quote is a quote that one cannot instantly analysis, he would have to spend time analysising it, and can even take days. I will send you my thoughts about it in your subsequent post. Have a good day.
Great post @greatpath i also learning much from your videos with wise quotes and words and trying to apply everything in my daily life.I also get alot of confirmation.upvoted and following for updates...
Inner peace begins!!!
that is damn true..
interacts, especially controlling emotions. you would have to be a poker player.
Great comment " interacts, especially controlling emotions. you would have to be a poker player. "
@greatpath hahahaha :D i have done your job :D
As long as we allow things or people, outside of our control, to push our buttons, our inner peace will be like a roller coaster ride... We will feel great and at peace one moment, and completely blown out the next... This cycle will repeat itself over and over again, until it starts to drain our mentally, physically, and emotionally...
very hard to gain inner peace as you always have something going in your mind.... what i do i listen to music :D
you have to control your emotion.. inner peace should come within you. You can be your creator or the destroyer. Mind is your strength and do not let others to control it. Better way to control your self is by practicing meditation.
Cheers! thank you @greatpath for this great quote from Buddhism.
Everyday waching your video i like it.....,
This can happen only if we raise our conscious level and once we raise our conscious level we will be knowing our self more intensely and at that point of time no such external factor can disrupt our inner peace because by that time we would already have fortified our inner peace.
Very great quote by you it again and again
Peace of mind can be achieved permanently by the following steps:-
(1) Kill the lies
(2) Break the status quo
(3) Remember you are mortal
(4) Choose to live intelligently
(5) Determine the quality of your life
(6) There is intelligence in humility
(7) There is no good and bad
Thank you
Agreed and have never thought it that way ,but feels like it though
feel free ,feel peace :)