The Journey of a Thousand Miles

in #motivation7 years ago

This video is best viewed with the audio on to enjoy the full emotional audio effect.

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Do Not Plagiarize this video. This video is the copywrite of @greatpath. However, resteem is highly recommended. Don't forget to vote, comment, follow & resteem. Browse my channel @greatpath for more video!

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Yes....1000% agree with you my dear friend @greatpath

  1. Yes..we always start our journey only one step...
  2. Step by step we archieve our goals and targets....
  3. We always try finished our journey...
    And we dont like stop our way...
  4. is not easy...path is more difficult...we want take defferent actions....and continue our journey....
  5. Bcz....we want win....we want success our life....we want archive our goals...
  6. But....I think our frist step is very important to us....for our all things....and it is depent to success our journey...
  7. Journey is is journey....

That's exactly true no one can doubt about that if we don't get started today we will never reach at the end of our goal and we can only think inside our dream to achieve but infact if we have to achieve something we need to get things started today right now !!

It is true..
All we need a start and our determination and courage will move us forward to our goal.
There is no point of dreaming big and setting targets if we are not taking initiations to achieve them.

So dream big and start today towards achieving it.

fantastic quote @greatpath, It requires a long investment to accomplish success, and you should chip away at it little by little, it is a journey that will remove you a thousand miles from where you began. On the off chance that you need to walk a thousand miles you have to begin by taking the first step, the following one, thus on. It likewise speaks to a mind boggling attempt, which typically begins with a genuinely simple assignment. For instance, assembling a skyscrapper begins by laying the primary block. thanks for sharing

Excellent expression and I think every minute in life is a step. And let not every step is right, it is important that none of them is superfluous. Taking the first step to something, you have to read it with new ideas, with new ideas . It is necessary to make it into a new one, but for many, in the usual morning. Even to move to new cities it is necessary morning, so that with it, awakening, take this new step, into a new life. But for this you need to take at least one step. Start with a small "step" in your own head. Thank you @greatpath

It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. But to be more precise, it begins with the intention to take this step.
Everything always begins in our head.

nice quote, it means today's goal is only the starting point of tomorrow's journey and any journey or task, however long, begins with one discrete action.

Upvote & ResteemVery interesting and great video you sharing @greatpath. 100% agree with you now. Life need to go thousand miles through unstoppable. Will pass some difficulties, happiness, sadness and etc..

Indeed, it does. And that first step is often the hardest one to take.

Why? When we commit ourselves to action we risk failure which is one of our strongest fears.

And yet, when we act, we set in motion every possibility in the universe.

To risk nothing is to surrender everything.

nice video, every think in this life begin small .like baby become men,like a plant become a tree...


its a big phrase ans great quote, the whole world is a total path and life is only a short parr of it, thanks for sharing.

This first step is what majority of the people don't take and hence their goals never becomes realities. First step is the key and this comes from belief in yourself:

The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you're no longer willing to stay where you are. - Anonymous

When you have this belief, you'd be able to start moving towards your destination because:

As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears. - Rumi

So, take the first step. This is inevitable:

Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live. -Alfieri

Great post and inspirational video. Thumbs up @greatpath.

You're power house of positive energy. :)

Steem On!

Very true greatpath. One has to take a step in life instead of complaining because that is the only way he can achieve his success.

in life is needed, there are too many problems, happiness and emotions, which help the experience.

No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...
Cheers~~~~~Hey @greatpath

Please don't copy and paste my comments....
Ok...this is frist and last inform to you....
Thanks...Hey @asif4745

nice quote, it means today's goal is only the starting point of tomorrow's journey and any journey or task, however long, begins with one discrete action.

Yes....1000% agree with you my dear friend @greatpath

In the physics it is said that static friction is always higher than the kinetic friction, so this also apply with the life. When we start taking our first step, our life start working for us and we are one step closer when we walk a step ahead. Either we will be succeeding or learning.

Hello @greatpath sir, we really miss you .....becoz we dont see any inspirational and motivational series from you...

Still if you have decided something different then we still respect your decision.

Sir, even if you have 3 month time frame to powerdown all SP still you can sell you vote to Minnowbooster to earn some SBD in these 3 month time of powering down, If you are interested, please visit my blog section there is an article how you can sell your vote, and earn passive income in the form of SBD while you sleep.

In no way I am gettin g any comission from minnowbooster to spread this message but i think its worth of try to may people here stemit to use the SP optimally.

Even if your powering down still on , you can sell your vote.


We always try finished our journey...
And we dont like stop our way...

Excellent expression and I think every minute in life is a step. And let not every step is right, it is important that none of them is superfluous. Taking the first step to something, you have to read it with new ideas, with new ideas . It is necessary to make it into a new one, but for many, in the usual morning. Even to move to new cities it is necessary morning, so that with it, awakening, take this new step, into a new life. But for this you need to take at least one step. Start with a small "step" in your own head. Thank you @greatpath..........

Very true @greatpath interesting and great video sharing

Love it! May I know which software you used to make this video?

Good Post

These are some truly amazing perspectives, great work indeed

giphy (1).gif

That i agree upon ,Small initaiatives can lead you to success which you never imagined of and might be the turning point of your life

Firstly thank u sir for your post .it's a great inspiring video...I have watched....every step in our life...we should think like this....
@upvoted sir

unfortunately it is true to accomplish success you have to go step by step to achieve them which is the most difficult path :(

Great post,,,,,,,
Perfect job..............////////////

Little by little we climb the ladder of life.
Life is a stage, someday we will get there.

Thanks for the message @greatpath

wow i am happy to see your post.

Exactly. This is the right call. We see it like you have written here.
It's really 5 min before midnight.
And it's the right job.
We hope they see it and they will make it.

wow very nice video...........thnaks

nice video, every think in this life begin small .like baby become men,like a plant become a tree.

A road full of success
It is a very long way but it is nice to be a successful man at the end of the road
Good choice, my friend

Its an arabic quote its so great and wise thanks for sharing

Googled your quote, found this really interesting guy

I will check him up, thanks for sharing :)

Excellent quote...Every individual possess tremendous energy within him.And if he can open up this power then the sky will be the limit and all these can happen only with a single step.
Thanks for sharing.
I am resteeming it..

That's exactly true no one can doubt about that if we don't get started today we will never reach at the end of our goal and we can only think inside our dream to achieve but infact if we have to achieve something we need to get things started today right now !!

All we need a start and our determination and courage will move us forward to our goal.
There is no point of dreaming big and setting targets if we are not taking initiations to achieve them.

Excellent expression and I think every minute in life is a step. And let not every step is right, it is important that none of them is superfluous. Taking the first step to something, you have to read it with new ideas, with new ideas . It is necessary to make it into a new one, but for many, in the usual morning.

All we need a start and our determination and courage will move us forward to our goal.
There is no point of dreaming big and setting targets if we are not taking initiations to achieve them.

fantastic quote @greatpath, It requires a long investment to accomplish success, and you should chip away at it little by little, it is a journey that will remove you a thousand miles from where you began. On the off chance that you need to walk a thousand miles you have to begin by taking the first step, the following one, thus on. It likewise speaks to a mind boggling attempt, which typically begins with a genuinely simple assignment. For instance, assembling a skyscrapper begins by laying the primary block. thanks for sharing

assembling a skyscrapper begins by laying the primary block. thanks for sharing

assembling a skyscrapper begins by laying the primary block. thanks for sharing

great post .i enjoy this tropic /.

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