What comes easy

in #motivation7 years ago

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Easy money, easy life :) Sounds a bit opposite, but sort of makes sense too :)

But if the money comes easily you wont't feel it's value and tend to spend it for unnecessary things so you will loss it soon...

Yes I agree with you, but if they come easy again, you don't care how you basically spend it :) They just come easy all the time.

With this quote you have made the THEME OF MY LIFE .....its not just a quote...rather its a reality in my life which i have experienced and i have made this as the bottom line of my life.

Thanks for this motivational and inspirational series......this keeps us afloat in our life for a better understanding....

steem on and stay blisssful....

Many strive to have an "easy" life.

That's not a bad thing, but maybe it's better to strive for a life filled with challenges.

Often, it's these challenges that make life interesting.

Yes, that's a good point. "Often, it's these challenges that make life interesting."

Thanks, I appreciate your comment.

Very true greatpath. > What comes easy does not last long.
I have seen how some rich people's children have wasted their father's riches and ended up poor. So we need to work hard to value what we get so that we do waste it.

Yes, because these children do not value the riches and just waste them.

Excellent expression and I'll say it as it really is in life, then it's easy for us, then it's easy for us to leave. The analogy is simple, if we easily earn money, then we will easily and thoughtlessly spend it, because there is no huge effort and effort behind them. Thank you @greatpath

That is a good point. The easier we earn money the easier we spend it. The harder we earn money the more difficult it is for us to spend it.

Something is given to us easily, something seems insurmountable; This is what life is reduced to. Otherwise, you will not tell.
only a looming storm of problems gives us the opportunity to realize that we lived happily ever after.

Yes, through hardship that we learn to adapt to life more.

That's very true @greatpath. When something is got easily we tend to forget it's value and do not take care of it properly, so it will leave our hand by breaking it, giving it to someone else, misplacing it or lose it somewhere. When you get something after struggling a while for it, you tend to respect your effort by keeping it safe or giving its own respect due to the efforts you had put in. By this, something which you got will lasts for long time as you respect and take care of that. thanks for sharing

That is very true, "When something is got easily we tend to forget it's value and do not take care of it properly..."

I can relate to it because in life we reach the peak sometimes but to be at that position for ever it take extra serious effort to be different and unique from your self every time and to make opportunity from nothing.

Thanks for your nice comment.

This applies so much to steemit. People signup and sh!tpost, post porn or copyrighted content and they're like 'why don't I get rich' ... Well, like everything in life, you have to work for it and work hard, steemit is the same way. You can't expect to get rich sh!tposting. You have to put the time and effort into it and it will payout sooner or later.

Yes, lots of people want to make quick money on steemit without putting the effort. Some steal other people's work. I had my video plagiarized before here on steemit. That is why I have the "Do Not Plagiarize this video" warning in my post, so sad I need to do this.

For some, the concept of plagiarism or copyrighted content doesn't exist. Create your own content dude and you'll get rewarded for sure and it feels way better than copy/paste something into a post.

This quote is valid in the most profound sense and is for the most part connected with time and effort. let me give you illustration which demonstrate the legitimacy of the quote, we now observe many individuals utilize supplements and different types of steroids for weight training. Despite the fact that it gives quick outcomes, in a long run it incurs significant injury on their well being and the fundamental thought process of remaining solid is itself lost. Be that as it may, on account of the weight lifters who just prepare by common strategies advance at a moderate speed, some of the time taking a couple of years and at last they accomplish a level of physical flawlessness, remaining sound until the end without poisons in their body. This perfectly signifies that "What lasts won't come easy what comes easy won't last".

Thank you for the great example using weight training. Yes, for the most part it is connected with time and effort. Patience will get rewarded.

A hard life helps you to learn more of life and overcome obsticles that make you stronger and help you to make better decisions

Yes, a hard life will help you more to adapt to life and overcome obstacles. So I have to be careful of how I raise my kid and not easily give him everything he wants. He has to earn many of those things through hard work.

something you have to pay for it, get feedback and turn into remarkable and unforgetable, but behind the acheivement when no strugle is became just a memory and over, impressive post, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the good comment.

Nice quote @greatpath Anything we achieve over night will lose it next day because anything comes after difficulties and experience have more value then what we get fast.

Have a best day
100% upvotedWOW!!!! great video you sharing @greatpath. Highly appreciated from me. Cheers~

What comes easy, easy going. the things we really appreciate are the ones we've fought!!!

I think.....

what comes easy, won't last long
and what last long, won't come easy.
that's true...

What a great video man....../////

wonderful video share

If you earn something in a hard way, you know how valuable it is to you and how much commitment you made for it, so you will naturally stated to love it, as long as you love something by heart it will last for long time.
Things that comes easily wont's last long, since we do not value it as much.

Your video reminded me one more thing that nothing comes from comfort zone.....

Agreed the amount of quality time and patience will always bear fruit