At times we spend so much time trying to please people, we spend lots and lots of time impressing them but recently I got to realize the only set of people that should be in your life are those that really love you for who you are, irrespective of who you are.
A friend once said
You can only control your actions, you can't determine people's reaction - Ifeoluwa Fatoki
So the question now is "why try to go out of your own way of live to please people when it is possible that your actions might not be bring a pleasant reaction?"
I'm not saying you shouldn't try to improve yourself or some attitude, all I'm saying is; if you feel you need a change of attitude let the change be for yourself alone with no intent of pleasing or satisfying people. It is good to emulate characters that you feel will further better your life but not characters you feel will portray you as good person to people.
One of the best thing you can be happy about is being yourself and people loving you for who you really are and not that person you are portraying yourself to be.
Be yourself as you can't keep faking that character for long.....
Thank you for your post. :) I have voted for you: 🎁! To call me just write @contentvoter in a comment.
Thank you for the wisdom. Right now I'm currently getting out of that cycle, and though difficult, it's been bringing me loads of joy! We should all stop wasting time for people who wouldn't do the same in return!
You really understand what I'm driving at. We shouldn't spend time trying to be what we are not just to satisfy certain people that might not even take note of our efforts. Thanks for reading my blog. I'm happy for your contribution.
good post