What do you have? Use them!

in #motivation7 years ago

"Whatever you don't use, you lose."-Jim Rohn

Each one of us has at least a particular gift that we can do or use to achieve our goals but don't use them in manner or ways to achieve their goals. Some people who have these gifts feel that they don't need to use it. Whether it is knowledge, skill or anything. Sometimes, however If we don't use these things we will always be at the losing side. A student for instance, who reads and understands the concepts of power (in physics) and knows how to solve several problems with regards to the subject matter may not be able to achieve his or her own goal if he doesn't use the knowledge effectively in daily life scenario and problems. If for example he is examined and he didn't use those formulae where they are supposed to be used, then gathering all those knowledge is witless. Even though he understands the concepts He had failed since he can't apply. This would have been prevented if he uses what he has known or learnt. One amazing fact about using the knowledge is that anytime it is used, someone learns a new thing which makes one more versatile. The more you do something the more you learn new things.

For example consider writing as a skill, there are many people who know how to write but they haven't pick up their pen to write, what are they doing? They are not using the skill they have. While there is another person who doesn't know how to write but has a pen and uses his pen for its purpose (writing) what will be is case, everyday; his writing skills keep sharpening thereby making him become a proficient writer.
A quote by a famous entrepreneur popularly known as JIM ROHN goes thus “Whatever you don’t use you lose.” This is so true, why? The person who has the pen and doesn’t use it effectively is losing while the person who uses it efficiently is gaining.

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This quote drives me to get into action due to the fact that if I have brain I am supposed to use it effectively likewise other parts of my body. If I don’t use the skills I have or parts of my body for their intended purpose, they keep remaining there without being useful.
Dear reader, what skills do you have? Use them to get to your dreamland.


Many buried their potentials in the grave.

This is usually due to the fact that they didn't discover them. Thanks for reading

Nice write up

Thanks for finding value in it...

I can relate to this. So many things I once know but I don't know again because I don't put them into use. It also reminds me of the story of the rich man who gave talent in the Bible.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading and stopping by ...

You're welcome bro

your post made me recall on many things,you are on point..
nice nd epic post @iftyguy94, @vickyrich..

Thanks for reading.... Thanks for stopping by...one must use what one has to get where one wants to be

It's a sad fact that so many talented individuals allow such talents to waste away either consciously or otherwise. Thanks for the wake up call.

You are welcome.... Thanks for reading and stopping by.

Thanks for that update.majority are ignorant of what they have.thats why am so greatful to be among the steemians because they using their God's given gift to enlighten its members.thanks for that timely reminders

You are welcome sir.... Thanks for reading sir