Success Diaries and how they can help you

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Positive Action new.png

I was reading a Facebook post today which was talking about the impact of a Success Journal or Success Diary. I didn't realise it as such but this was something that I was already doing!

What is a Success Diary?

What this is in its simplest terms is a place where you can write down what you have achieved each day - every day. It is not a dialogue of your day as such - more a list of positive achievements. I think that this could also be considered similar to a Happiness Diary where you list your blessings.

I would be inclined to write some 'imperfect' things that you have learned along the way - every 'failure' helps that you learn and builds your success! I don't mean being negative - after all "Every cloud has a silver lining" - find the positive in the mistake. In my post entitled 'Take Imperfection Action' I talk about the importance of taking action even if you make mistakes - but then learning as you go. It is all about making progress, being consistent and therefore moving closer to your goal.

How Can It Help You?

By completing your diary on a daily basis:

  • You are forming a positive habit

  • You are actively looking for success and focus on things that you can mark as achievements

  • You then will start to realise the quantity of what you achieve throughout your day and it will feel like a successful day.

  • You can look back and see your progress and what you have achieved in the past and in what time frame.

  • You will feel a massive boost your self-confidence because you realise that you are an achiever!

  • You can reflect on your day and can honestly say that you have achieved something (or didn't).

I hope this post has helped you.

Please comment below if this is something that you do already and how it has helped you as it would be great if you would share your successes. Alternatively comment if it is something that you are thinking of doing!

Until next time,

J x


Hi Jennifer. Great post! I think this is such a great idea. Time can feel like its running aeay from us sometimes and like we havent achieved anything- but this would be a positive boost to look back through to see what you had achieved.

I am really visual so use coloured stars in ly diary for achievements (like being back at primary school) but i think I might start adding line of text or two so I know what I've done towards certain goals. E x

I had never thought about doing a Success Diary. This would be a fantastic way to show how much you have achieved. Scott and I use to talk about the successes of our day before we went to sleep, but, for some unknown reason, we stopped. Not sure why.