You have a right to be motivated (19/04/2019)

in #motivation5 years ago


"I'm no Soothsayer, but the Future is Female." - - - Emdee Tiamiyu

🗓🚺 💪🏽
If you manufacture a Product and it comes out Good, it's only Logical that when you manufacture the Next Version of that same Product it will be Smarter and Better Refined. That's how I explain the creation story of Adam coming before Eve. Since the beginning of the World, Women have been just as Strong as Men. But we've made it look like a Man's World for far too long. The more we strive for a Balance (Equal Opportunities for the Genders), the Better for the Society. To all the Women breaking Glass Ceilings, challenging the Status Quo across industries and changing the Narrative, To all Great Women (including those yet to be Born), To all the Women in My (Offline & Online) Life - Happy International Women's Day.
© @EmdeeTiamiyu