How not to fail in a life project?

in #motivation6 years ago

Before a house is built, it is important that a project be made. The need for a project is due to the fact of choosing the materials used, the interior designs, the colors of the walls, the cost and a certainty of other things.


When you were born, dear reader, God developed a project for you. You would be similar to a house and he, the architect and the inhabitant of this place. God thought of every detail of his being. From the simplest to the most complex. He created him perfect, the way He planned. But something happened right after the conclusion of his life. He gave him the keys to the house.

God thought of every detail, he knows us completely. He has a life project for each one of us.

When God gave us the keys to the house he placed himself on the outside and could not enter because she was locked inside. You may even ask yourself: "How can the owner of the house not enter the house that he built himself? He would not have a copy?" No! God gave him free will. Free will made us free, autonomous, but subject to the adversities that we ourselves would create.

The wars, the assaults, the killings, the attacks, the abortions and many other evils. People die more through the action of their fellowmen than in "natural" attacks. That's all because you're free. Our independence from God has made us dependent on evil.

Many times we make mistakes, because we do not have plans and we do not look for our manual of life.

But there is still a plan. God is always at the door of his heart. He looks forward with great love to his invitation to come in and have a party with you. It may not all change in your life, it may be that some things are difficult, but you will have the best person to be with you: The owner of the house. He knows every room, every wall, every object of his heart and of his life.

People often make us small in front of ourselves, ready with our house. The abnormality has been the abnormality. Evil has a good face today, and whoever does good many times is considered to have been overcome, I have demoted "French term (I believe) for old things (laughs)".

And you, already opened the door for him to enter? You can do this today. Call Jesus to enter your life and you will know how many sleepless dreams He has for you!
But, as it is written: neither eyes saw, nor ears heard, nor ever penetrated in human heart what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2: 9)

God bless @Sirknight and the great family of SteemChurch for bringing many of our Venezuelan brothers


(Design By CEO @emiliocabrera)


Work dignifies us, brother, we have to work hard to build dreams..

Certanly SteemChurch, thanks.