Projecting Your Self Esteem

in #motivation2 years ago

How others feel about us is important. It affects the way we feel about ourselves. The way we feel about ourselves is our self esteem or self concept. It's been writing that thous shall love your neighbour as yourself and that word makes us understand that our love for others is an expression of how much we love ourselves.

Low self esteem is the inability to feel good about yourself. It is usually Characterised by feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness and lack of self confidence. Lady's with low self esteem may seem healthy, happy and content outwardly, but inwardly they feel a sense of personal inferiority and self doubt.

They have a hard time accepting compliments. They often disguise their feelings by being superficial. They have difficulty opening up to others and may come across as being very shy and quiet. Withdrawal and anger and anger are two most familiar responses to inferior feelings. Neither of them is very good physically or spiritually.

High self esteem is not a noisy conceit, a boastful spirit, or a self righteous attitude, as many think. It is a quiet sense of self respect and a feeling of self worth. High self esteem includes the ability to love yourself and to give and accept love from others. It is self confidence in your abilities and talents, whatever they may be. A young man or woman with high self esteem tends to have fewer illnesses.

They are happier, more successful and make better decisions. Usually these people are more open and communicate well in a group. They show self respect by taking care of themselves physically and mentally and by developing good spiritual and social attitude. High self esteem includes a feeling of security, significance and competence.