Choices, flaws and the realization of not making one.

in #motivation7 years ago

Choices are ours to make and when we fail because we did not take time out to make the right ones, we are suddenly reminded of the flaws that are in us everyday.

When I made the unconscious choice to give Steemit a try, i had no idea what the journey was and would be about, but i decided that I was going to take it and despite the fails that will follow, I will count it as my flaws instead of waiting to see the regrets when I finally realize I made a mistake not giving it a try.

Looking back at the sacrifices I made those months to stay on Steemit, I have come to understand that there is nothing impossible to achieve when you believe and then put your mind into what you believe.

Today is the 26th of December and in the tradition of the Holidays, it is boxing day and I have been about being a friend to my friends and foes and seeing how possible that has been makes me really appreciate Steemit the more.

The choice to be a better person is yours to make, the flaws will always be yours to bear as a burden and you should be proud about that; However, there is one thing I am not sure I will want to see or have on me.. the realization that I had a choice to choose between winning and failing and then chose failing.

2017 is strolling away and making way for 2018. What will you do differently when making decisions? Will you just go with the flow or procrastinate a bit as you used to?

Make a conscious effort to have no regrets about the choices you didn't make and forge ahead breaking new grounds.

Compliments of the Season!



The choice to be a better person is mine to make...Wow! Nice

Thanks. You owe it to yourself to be at your best always.

Forging ahead to new breaking grounds!
Wonderful piece. Have a blessed year ahead.

Same to you and may the Steem light up for you!