Passion we've got
Every one of us
Urge to hate
Passion to love
Negative drive we possess
Making waste of our brightest gems
For laying hold the best virtues
How much well we drive
How much well we incline
Determines the image drawn of us
Channelling our drive and passion
To positive heights untapped
Beyond the scope of all limitation
Within the realm of true Happiness
Ready to lubricate our heavy hearts
Love with a heart deep
Speak with a tongue sweetened
Feel the current from a positive mind
As you deepen into the realm untouched
Making a seasoned life bag
One of Beauty, Love And Virtue
Positivity be our Drive
Peace to you all,
An Original Piece by MakeBloom( @kryptocoin ) Inspired by my Journey Through Life amidst All.
Qualities we need in our life bags.
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