Maturity of mind
- Correcting ourselves without trying to correct other
- Accepting others with their shortcomings
- Understanding the opinions of others from their perspectives
- Learning to leave what are to be avoided
- Leaving the expectations from others
- Doing whatever we do with peace of mind
- Avoiding to prove our intelligence on others
- Avoiding the status that others should accept our actions
- Avoiding the comparisons of ourselves with others
- Trying to keep our peace in our mind without worrying for anything
- Understanding the difference between the basic needs and what we want
- Reaching the status that happiness is not connected with material things.
Our life will be simple if only we practice 7 or 8 o the above 12


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Maturity of mind is when you listen to others, and understand them; when you are not indulge in useless discussions, and when you control your anger; moreover, I think when you judge people, form opinion about them, you need to understand that your wrong judgement may damage your relationship. Judgement tells your friend or partner that they are not OK being themselves. I think, when you judge people it is a sign of mental immaturity.
Your point of view may be correct coz it's your opinion. If you have ill, what will you do? you need some help apart from you ( Medicine, consultant, advice, intimate person to care you, rest, good healthy food, comfortable place etc, can you avoid it?) like our body, the mind also needs some healthy words and things to refresh it. The Mind is a very complicated one. we should reclaim it, that's why the great geniuses were born in the world, the temples, churches, and shrine places has been made. Judgement not for blame but for making correction and adjustment. What's your opinion about mentally disordered persons, culprits and criminals? Thanks for your comment.
Awesome thoughts! keep more up!