Real Education DOESN'T Come from School: Our Education System is Broken, Folks

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Have you ever heard anybody say that "C's get degrees" or "It's not about the grades you make, but the hands you shake".

This all implies a deep truth about our education system that hasn't really been addressed. We all learn some general information, make connections and friends and relationships. But we're not really prepared for the real world. Our current education system is great for some things and awful for others.

Here are some good things about our education system: social skills and building deep friendships from spending 85% of your life with the same people, organization and keeping track of due assignments, and college (university) is good for exploring interests and building even more relationships.

Here are the bad parts about our education system: creativity is almost completely killed except for very rare occasions (art, computer, free periods), absolutely ZERO financial literacy classes- you don't learn anything about money, and most importantly the ability to think for yourself is crushed in order to get "good grades".

Wanna know something? Nobody in the real world cares where you want to school unless it was the exact same school as them. Nobody cares what your major was, what classes you took, how great your professors are.

The real world cares about your personality, how you make other people feel, the skills and value you bring to the table, and your beliefs and values.

These things are rewarded in the real world: Continued Education with certifications and applicable classes (REAL EDUCATION), Networking with like-minded people, positive attitudes, and most of all creativity.

So forget what they teach you in school. Obviously, you may have a passion for world history, or science, or another traditional school subject. Those interests add flavor to who you are. You may even be able to build a career in those fields! That's amazing and I'm happy for you.

But if you're like the majority of people you'll enter a business type job or become an entrepreneur. And if you do, just know the world needs YOU. The world is severely lacking in creativity and it needs YOU to be creative. Yes, you.

So, never stop learning the real skills that the real world values. It'll pay back in dividends.