Shun agression

in #motivation7 years ago

Every man is born with both the cold and the images (39).jpghot, the calm and the violent, the soft and the hard.

However, your level of management on the two determines the state of your maturity and height of reasoning.

Hear me, the presence of peace in every nation of the world is what preserve the citizens resident in that nation.

Also, the absence of peace is what engineered violence, war, disunity, hatred and untimely death.

Folks with the spirit and power of aggression hardly succeed and become relevant to their world.

To be aggressive today is to drink from the well of frustration and fruitlessness tomorrow.

Aggression could be hereditary and it could equally be learnt from friends or even bosses at workplaces.
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A fellow who derives pleasure in making trouble cannot be recommended for leadership positions talk less of excelling in his own personal career.

Aggression is demonic, and of course a total set back for one's elevation and forward movement in life.

When you are possessed with this spirit, psychologically, you are considered as a mentally retarded person in the society.

Your reaction to things cannot be but abnormal and even your relationship with people cannot last long, shortly, it will turn sour.

Therefore, if you are under this spell, I admonish you to please reposition yourself for a well defined life that's worth living. images (37).jpg

Soak yourself in prayer and fasting, be deliberate about liberating yourself from that force that won't allow to fulfill purpose and destiny in life.

In addition, watch every step you take, search within yourself and locate what pushed you to do the things that are abnormal and irrational.

Friend, beating your wife is an example of aggression, until the deed is done, you won't realize the implication of what you have caused.

Shun aggression, trust the Almighty God to help you rebuke it anytime it raises its ugly head and work on your mental aptitude.

By so doing, your subconscious mind will always be sensitive to suppress the power that doesn't want you to rise beyond where you are.

Note: Aggression is evil and whatever is evil cannot operate beyond the evil that is associated with it.

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