My View

in #motivation7 years ago

So this is my view.

But the most frightening issue is the lost of hope among so many young Ghanaians.The #frightening issue isn't about the big #unemployment of the youth in Ghana.

You walk along the streets, You drive or you cycle along the streets and you find lots and lots of young Ghanaians whiling away their precious youthful age and not forgetting those in their rooms weeping internally each day as the leadership fail them.

Yes you are right. Some are and some ain't just made to start something on their own, and talking about a country with very little opportunity for daring Youth.
This isn't their #fault. #Why?. I know someone reading this will say they should go out and start something and keep pushing. Some are born to be part of #systems and support it as #workers . And some are born to build.

It's high time the youth head towards to leadership and law makers line..don't wait to be 40 or 50. If you have that passion go for it and compete for it. After all, it's either you win or loose and these are the worst things that can happen.When the hope of the youth to keep going dies and it's in #apathy, a nation stands to be in #jeopardy.

And if you by chance get the opportunity to build
If we all love Ghana , remember to build to accommodate as much as you can. One person can never change the nation. But if we all remember to always play a part in many ways. We will make that change. It will require #commitment, #sleepless #night, #truth and #passion. , we need to stand up and use the bit of our priceless human gifts to make a #difference!!.