It's been since June 2016 I am on @steemit, as some of you might know by now! It took me a very long time to get close to the magic number "69" steemit reputation.
Not yet!
I am very, very close! Yeah!
68.97 is the present status!
15050 posts
I wanted to share what I achieved so far to keep you motivated to move on and steem on!
It's not easy at all to jump from 68 to 69. I am waiting for many weeks and posts to reach this level because I was one of the targets of the so called "Experiment" by @smooth and @abit, a while back, where whales started fighting. I was flagged down for no reason.
The " Angel" Number 69 is a combination of the vibrations of the number 6 and number 9. Number 6 adds its attributes of providing for home and family, the material aspects of life, responsibility, adjustment, solutions, grace, gratitude, dignity, co-operation and compromise, and unconditional love - Source/
I am not sure if I lost my reputation score back then and how much. Oh well!
That's the past!
Now .....I am very close.
I cheer myself and also YOU for the next step! Keep going because its well worth to stay on this platform and earn your Steem & SBD.
Power up!
Thank you for your amazing support and zillion of comments on all my articles! Sometimes its hard to reply to all of them but I try my Best to keep it up! I appreciate and value every single one of you and your time.
Yours @mammasitta and @massivevibration
Didn't know about whales fighting... sorry to hear that, i'm sure you can get back all that reputation in no time with good posts
He talked about success....Oh well....Not sure to be honest.
Ok, im kinda confused, from what i understood they tried to make the steem price go higher by flagging posts? I checked coinmarket and steem price did raise in march( i think this was when they flagged the posts). If it was for that reason i would understand, steem price getting higher would bring more people to the platform...
I have nooooo idea!
This is still no reason to flag "innocent" and hardworking members for whatever reason. Thats rude and impolite.
Yup, also agree with that, writing a post for hours, taking pictures, resizing the font and image, actually come up with the topic, just to have it flaged to hell is rude, impolite and makes people leave the platform, this platform should grow in numbers because it is a good way to spread the news, not because STEEM is higher in price. Slow and steady wins the race
I was upset but closed my eyes, took a big breath and kept on going
Das ist toll. Du weißt ja egal wo und was für ein System es gibt, geht es immer um die Menschen dahinter. Leider Konkurenz hnd Neid sind starke und traurige menschliche Seiten. Ich kann es mir gar nicht vorstellen wieso jemand etwas gegen anderen User machen würde wenn diese keine Spammer sind. Freue mich, dass du so stark dahinter bist und so viel Geduld hattest.
Ja ja und nochmals ja aber nobody could stop me:)
Bissi Info :
Danke sehr für den Link, es ist aber einwenig strange das als Experiment. Solange es funktuioniert;) ist natürlich fein. Es erklärt aber auf jeden Fall einiges. Was ich blöd finde ist dass es Menschen gibt, die mit einem schlechte handy Foto, viele Bots und Steem Power jeden Tag 300$ umsetzen und andrene mit tollen Fotos und Content ungesehen bleiben. Die Lösung ist es nicht wenn Wales nicht voten, sondern wenn die jenigen die einwenig Manipulation und Tricks nutzen es auf gesunde und normale Grenzen setzen;)))
Maybe @smooth and @abit could explain again because I have no idea if it actually really helped the platform and steem price to go up.
Ich kann zu dem Rest nicht viel sagen aber es braucht sicher lange Zeit, um sich eine reputation zu erarbeiten. Ich habe bemerkt dass die early adopters sicher einen Vorsprung haben und das finde ich auch ok so.
Ich habe am Anfang meiner Meinung nach viel Bessere Artikel geschrieben aber ohne rewards. Irgendwie kommt die Fairness nun ins Spiel.
Long story short.....Es wares unzaehlige Stunden, die ich mit dieser community verbacht habe. Da ging ganz schoen rauf und runter.
Tricks mag ich nicht aber fair play is ok!
Follow back
His there any one to follow me back
Oh that elusive holy grail... Adding each point is harder and harder, but makes you feel better and better. The true long term investment :)
68.99 I just checked before I go to catch my “beauty sleep” 🙈 it’s been a hard one.
Nice to see you again!
Yeah, been so busy lately, now have more time for the comments after securing investment for BeScouted :) Good work, and i'll be looking forward to that 70 of yours ;)
I am taking it step by step :) don’t stop yet
Good to have you back
Here's my contribution to #69, @mamasitta...
It's rather arduous to raise your rep score as you advance up, isn't it? What used to take days to climb to the next number now takes weeks... Soon, months.
Keep providing stellar content, terrific commenter engagement, and you'll see 70 soon enough! Cheers!!!!! 🥂🎆🎊🎉
Its very very very difficult the moment you reached 60 ......pffffffff
We need post like this to keep us newbies motivated and get goin .and sure my stay so far in steemit has been lively and encouraging from how people appreciat my worth post as a newbie with upvote and advice of keep posting nice stuffs. Because without people out ere that encourages good post,steemit wont be worth it. Because after composing what will elevate steemains yet nothing to show for,it can be pathetic. Thanks for sharing your history so far on steemit and keeping everyone alive on a go get it mind..God bless
Thats why I write those kind of articles to keep you all motivated!!!
As one of the main badasses on the platform, you deserve a much higher rating.
69 is just a step. Waiting for you to get to 80! (Oh, it's probably not the best thing to say to a lady haha). I would die without a corpse if it was taken out of a context.
I am fine with any number 🙈😳
Well... yeah it's fine but 70 is incoming anyways :d
@mammasitta, well you're one of the people who have helped me in my early days, I'm just so grateful, and I'm congratulating you on that milestone to come, 😀😀😀
I am even more grateful for you and watching over you once in a while and see how well you do. Keep it up!!!
Hahaha at least my upvote makes sense a little, I'm not relenting, and I'm really so happy for all the support you gave me, thank you a million
What can we do to get you there faster?
And where does reputation come from anyway? I have not figured that out yet... (Granted, I didn't try very hard... :D ) I recently reached 60 which also seemed to take ages from 59. But what makes our reputation grow? And how do we benefit from having a high score?
I am reading about this topic right now because I still don't understand.
I am patient and just keep going , even though I am a bit burnt out:)
Schön Dich wieder zu sehen! Take your time!
This is me contributing to your score because being downvoted for absolutely no reason sound incredibly horrible!
🌱🌱🌱 that’s really nice of you
Hahahaha... @mammasitta Summer of 69 for you! :D
Cheers! :)
so nice to see you again :) funny!!!
That sucks you got stuck in a whale war. So very happy that is was only a minor setback and to see all the love and support you're getting is just amazing :)
Oh well! Life can be unfair, even on steemit
Doesn’t stop meeeee
Really good reputation i'm just 54 hehe and my near goal is 60 :)
Thats great! Keep going!
hey @mammasitta, good luck with 69! Do you know if reputation number becomes exponentially harder to level up? For example, is it harder to go from 68-69 than from 25-26?
Steem on!
Thanks so much! It’s done and now I take that 70 :)
It’s much easier with lower reputation to reach the next level
very nice, I personally think you already deserve a reputation over 70 ;)
it really takes quite a lot of time to get to the next reputation level, after reaching a reputation of 60...
For me now it usually takes months...
Ich kann es gar nicht fassen, dass ich es endlich geschafft habe! Danke Liebes 🌹🌹🌹viel Glück!!! Du machst das sicher in Windes Eile 🙀
danke :)
bald sollte ich dann endlich mal die 62 geschafft haben ;)
man darf hoffen, dass es für den runden 70er nicht nochmal ein Jahr dauert ;-)
Super Blog, sehr nett und hilfreich, mach weiter so!
Ja Alles braucht seine Zeit, aber so wie Du deinen Blog handelst, bist Du bei 72 in Windes Eile! Danke Dir vielmals! It was NOT that easy to reach this level.
Diese Sprache nennt sich Denglish ...hahahaa
unless I get flagged by a anti-vaxxer weil ich's mal übertreib...
Denglisch is super^^
Hahhaa okok :)
Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit.
Thank you very much and lots of success your way!
wow 4646 followers, 15050 posts. I really salute you alive @mammasitta. I hope so too @mammasitta if there is time to visit my blog once if possible, but if there is time yes.
Wow wow and more wow! So much work 😳
Yes thank you yes.
I am so happy to know about this.So happy.This is because of your commitment,your dedication and mostly your hard working on this platform.Still it has not been a month since my arrival to this community,but I can assure you that you are one of the best souls I met here.I really like the spirit inside you.I love to read your blog and I am dreaming of being like you.This is the motivation you have given us.And definitely you deserve this promotion!!!!!! And please think it as a token of love of all your followers.You have come this far and you have a long way to go.I wish you all the best of luck in your future projects
Keep going :) You are such a sweetheart and your words make me nearly blush :)
Thank you so much!
sooooon mamaaaaa....das kenn ich ....kurz davor und man fragt sich "wie lange denn noch?" ;-P
und dann biste auch schon offiziell guru mit 70.....eyeyeyey. nice!!!
No end in sight Darling :) Ich bin amber etwas burnt out at the moment ...Ich hehe mal Psytrance tanzen morgen. Dann gehts wieder weiter.
Info :
good idea. dance your soul free and clean the spirit throught rhythm&beats mama!!!! machste genau richtig! next time together please.
Freue mich schon!!!
und deinen post pin ich zu mir!!!! ;-D um zu checken wann du die 69 hast...:-P hihihihihihi
freu mich auch schon!
vorfreude is die schönste freude!!!!
Hehe 69 is a nice number 😏😏
Have a great day! :)Congrats @mammasitta ! I guess it's well deserved. For me the actual magic number is 60 and I have 59,525. It's tempting, because in our schoolsystem 60 points was always the maximum. :)
Go Go Gooooooo! Thats a great achievement so far!
Congratulations @mammasitta. When you work hard and you are consistent you are rethought.
Thats the trick and secret: persistancy !!!
oh i am very glad to hear about it :) i know you since last December..but for these few days i have come to know how good,generous,kind and talented you are..we love you and your work alot..keep moving forward..we will always be with you :) and you deserve this victory long time ago..but i do not know what made it late..but better late than you please accepet my heartiest wishes for your milestone :) so so kind and wonderful to read your soothing words for my ears.
Thank you so so so much!!!!
It's good to see that a fellow Steemian is working so hard to attain the goals set by themselves. I really appreciate it. And I hope that you go even beyond 69. All the best wishes from my side.. Have a nice day and keep on ascending to the higher levels😊.
Very very very hard work 😓
Hey, great, you're almost there! I also only need very little to reach level 50. I'm already looking forward to it. Steem on!
Steem on indeed :) Step by step !!!
you almost did it with all your hard work ...and great content congratulations on that milestone many more to come cheers
I like the number 69 in many ways. For you I hope to reach it soon, and then up for much higher👌. You will sure manage. Thanks for bringing all content and share your Nice experiences.
You will get there. I know my vote does not add a lot to someone as far up the ladder as you are, but I am more than willing to help give you a boost, even if it is only equivalent to one hairs thickness. I mean you have helped me out so much with your votes and kind words, and so so many others you have helped like me. Pre-congrats on becoming the best 69 rep person on steemit, in a numerological way. ;-}
Almost 69. You can do it! Bravo!
It motivates new and hardworking steemians to get their success in this platform. The key is just to enjoy this community.Lovely @mammasitta
Herzliche Gratulation! Kannst du mehr über das "Experiment" erzählen? Ich weiß, ich bin neugierig. ;) LG!
Schau Dir Mal die comments durch. Du findest links
Hab die zwei Links gefunden:
Leider funktioniert das Video im ersten Post nicht.
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden ist, ist das Ziel des Experiments, Up- oder Down-Votes von Wahlen zu neutralisieren.
Genau! Leider hat es unschuldige und hard working people betroffen. Totaler Quatsch!
hmm, gibts von den "Experimentatoren" auch bereits eine direkte Stellungnahme an dich? Du hast sie ja bereits ein paar Mal markiert... Ärgerlich, die ganze Sache ist nicht unbedingt für gute Stimmung zuträglich...
Of course NOOOT!
Congrats on the 69 reputation hehe i am about to hit 100 SP Yuppi :D we all have our milestones hihi.
I just noticed that the more i stay on the platform and the more connections i make the faster is to growth :)
I hope you keep on growing because you are one of my favorite bloggers :)
Indeed over your long struggle takes time and the mind eventually gradually yielded sweet results. We can not be big if not from the small.success and success for you @mammasitta
Congrats @mammasitta! 69 It looks good in every way. Even once in life you need to be 69.
hahahaha Yes indeed! :) Should I blush now?
I do not think there's anything to blush. 69 is a nice number. :)
Ideals will be achieved if we mean it...
Raft first, swim to the edge. get sick first, have fun later. That's the saying of @mammasitta. Good job @mammasitta
.....and never burn out :) but to be honest ...I feel a bit burnt out but will not stop " floating"
do not make that disappointment a reason to back off, do not give up.
spirit 💪
in the name of encourage very nice post. thanks @mammasitta
be persistent and keep moving .....its well worth it!
Nice post.I respect you very much because you contribute to steemit.I will do activities like you.I would like to extend the steemit.
You're so close!
I am from indonesia
Good post...@mammasitta... I am so happy to know about this. @iskandarawe
Ja Puh...Hut ab,alle Achtung und so weiter.
Soweit zu kommen ist ja nicht unverdient.
"Angel Number 69" ... da finden sich für mich ganz neue Erklärungen (bin Baujahr 69).
Toller Artikel,viel Input...thanks.
"Be yourself and enjoy Life"
Danke Danke Danke na endlich geschafft :)
69 is very lucky number haha I wish you get fast . We all steemians support you .
No doubt you really hard work in 2 years and all new steemians learn more your posts . I wish you always make post for us and all steemians take tomuch benefit.
I hope your country rain (hujan) stop now.
Best of luck for 69 level . My all wishes with you.
Stay blessed
an advance congratulation for your entire hard work that nearly close to next reputation level.
Well My Friend i acknowledge your selfless contribution to the community. Yes i am one of those 4646 followers whom you inspired with your amazing blogs.
I am really blessed to have you around me in all these days and really happy for you that you are touching the MAGIC 69 in near future.
Massive Respect and Love for you :)
Stay Blessed, Steem On!
Freu‘ mich mit dir! Kann schön langsam erahnen, was für eine Leistung das ist!
Ein totaler Wahnsinn eigentlich! Ich muss Mal zahlen wieviele Artikel ich schon geschrieben habe....
Alles ohne #Delegation!
Mir schwant das... :) Bald kommt mein nächster Text über meine Erlebnisse mit Steemit, da kommst du natürlich auch vor...! :)
Wow ur so close, congrats ! I think its well earned :)) Is there even a max reputation on steemit ?
Ja ein totaler Wahnsinn eigentlich. Ich muss Mal schauen, wieviele posts ich schon geschrieben habe . Das mache ich dann bei 70 :)
congratulations @mammasitta i will always you, congratulations again I say again
yeah, you have good Reputation on steemit..
Why is number 69 so @mammasitta magic, in my opinion this is just a normal number. What's with number 69?
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