The Power of Focus....over Distractions!

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


FOCUS is actually the title of an interesting film by Will Smith and Margot Robbie. While trying to swindle a millionaire through gambling, they focused his mind on a particular number 55. Throughout his movements for the day, inside the elevator, in the car, in the restaurant and everywhere he went number 55 was there in his face.
He was then asked to pick a number and Will Smith then guess what he picked and Voila! They won his money.

"whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". Napoleon Hill

Let's come back to reality, before the camera can actually take any snapshot, it must focus. Our minds are so programmed that whatever we give it, it reproduces and that becomes our being.
Focusing on one particular thing, it might be a goal, target or aspiration in life, results to giving higher attention to it, thereby increasing the chances of it being successful.

Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor, was so focused on getting the perfect element to produce the correct colour for the incandescent light bulb, that he performed the experiments more than a thousand times, but never relented until he got his answer.

Being focused on a particular thing, reduces the effects of distractions other things might be producing.

so how focused are we on our goal?

Do you believe in multi tasking?
or you prefer specialization on a particular thing?

There are so many distractions out there, contending with our goals. For those that wish to have happy home, infidelity might be our distraction. A few of us students will fail our exams because we couldn't concentrate on studying for it, but would rather engage in other things that might not add value to our lives.
We need to dig deeper into our minds now and ask this personal question.

what are my goals in life and what are the distractions?

For those of us willing to go far in life, we must remain focused on the goals and aspirations, ignore the distractions.

I can remember my fish farm I was managing during my undergraduate days. Both my studies and the farm suffered. As focused as I was on both, my time was mismanaged and couldn't achieve my goal.

There's nothing wrong with multitasking, but how many of us can actually manage that act? I could only break even in the farm and missed some marks, since my lecturer can just come up with some pop-up test, anytime he wants.
Focus, focus, I say focus on that goal, at times the distractions could prove more important than your goal. Chilling with some friends might look more enjoyable than locking yourself up in the room to study, but when the exams results come out, that's when you'll remember which one is supposed to be more important.
I have a friend who worked in a company for six months, he was not paid for the last three months he used. He later resigned and started his own company. His laundry company started from his one bedroom apartment. He suffered from the beginning, but remaining focused really helped him to be where he is today.

There's a food for thought here. I have two questions.

Have you ever wondered why our two eyes are placed in the front and not the sides?

Have you ever wondered why the windscreen of your car is wider than the mirrors?


Think about that!

Until I come your way next time, steem on and stay awesome!

Thanks for reading!

All pictures from pixabay


great motivation bro

Thanks for reading, hope you're motivated, remain blessed