What Motivates People At Work? (English/Turkish)

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)


I've been fascinated by people with high self-motivation. Even if they are not guaranteed to succeed, they are enjoying their work. They are often successful for doing their job with pleasure and passion. Those who are not in such a fortunate state wait for external factors that will motivate them. External factors are variable by definition, beyond the control of individuals, and ideal conditions that provide high motivation do not usually occur.

I noticed in the first months of my working life that motivation was needed to accomplish any task. I've never been a lazy and reluctant type, but my inner motivation was not very high. I remember doing a lot of research to learn how to increase my motivation.

I was responsible for the motivation of my colleagues as well as mine when the years went by, and I became a manager. I was working in a very motivated way, but I couldn't contribute to the motivation of my colleagues. This was not a special case for me; I have never met a single manager who has been able to increase the motivation of his colleagues permanently. I can't say that the face-to-face interviews were useless, but the managers who were successful in human relations could increase the motivation of their teammates in a manner that would be valid for several hours to several days. However, this result was of course far from satisfying.

I do not suggest that managers do not affect team performance at all, the teams of managers who love their job and inspire their teammates are of course working in a more motivating way on average. Nevertheless, the internal motivation levels of individuals working on the same team are so different from each other, I think the impact of the environment is very limited.

Having high motivation is not just a necessary feature of business life. You need to have a high motivation to work for exams, to quit smoking, to lose weight, and to do sports.

How does this blessed emotion, which we call motivation appear in the person? Some lucky people come to the world in a motivated fashion? What do we need to do to motivate? I will try to give answers to these questions based on my research and personal experience.

I came across an article explaining motivation at some stage of my working life, and based on my personal experiences, I decided that what was told was true. The report stated that the motivation of people who do information-based work was determined in line with three fundamental factors.

Connection To Others

We mostly operate as a team. The social environment in which we work has a significant impact on our motivation. Do we like people we work with? Do we respect them? Do they love and respect us? Do we consider ourselves embraced in the environment? Is there a positive atmosphere in our working environment, or is there a cold wind blowing between people? When the answers to these questions are positive, our motivation is positively affected.


In every human being, an incorrigible anarchist lives. We don't like someone telling us what to do and how to do it. Those who have children will understand that very well. They are more likely to accept what we want them to do when we express them with multiple options. As a result of our activities, we want to get a result of the decisions we make. Our motivation is increasing when we have such conditions.


It's a good feeling to be able to do something other people can't do. As we master a job, we begin to experience this feeling more intensively. In time, we become an authority on what we are interested in, people start to consult with us, and we become more interested in doing what we are capable of.

These three items explain why I had a mediocre self-motivation at the beginning of my working life. On the other hand, the story is not limited to that. There are also differences in motivation among people who are on the same team, who do similar work, and who have the same seniority. Why?

Other Factors

Personality and perspectives on life affect internal motivation. The inner motivation of individuals who can look positive in life and have a sense of responsibility is high. In addition to these, how much one needs success is an essential factor in my opinion. Some individuals need money, appreciation, more than others for financial or psychological reasons. They're ready to make more effort and sacrifice.

People who have one or more goals that have a spiritual meaning can maintain a higher level of motivation for achieving that goal for a more extended period. To achieve the primary goal, one has to have daily sub-goals, of course. It usually takes too long to reach the main goal, and even worse, because it is often unclear when the main goal will be achieved, we need to be happy with the achievement of our daily goals.

Although I emphasize the importance of internal motivation, positive feedback from others contributes significantly to motivation. Also, not doing the same things in the same way for a long time, learning and developing are factors that increase motivation.

When you do a particular job in a disciplined way for a certain period, it becomes a habit. In this case, whatever the difficulty encountered in doing that job, people are beginning to be affected by it.

So far, I have not mentioned money or the benefit of the motivated target. Money is more important if the work is monotonous and annoying that a human would rather not do. As the business becomes complicated and difficult to achieve, the effect of money on motivation diminishes. Here, of course, the extent to which the individual need money is also an essential factor.

Finally, I would like to emphasize the importance of loving one's job. Although competence is occurring over time, the maximum level of skill to be reached is closely related to the person's ability to deal with the subject. If a person likes to do something, we can assume that he or she is capable of it. People can work in a more motivated way because they gain much faster competence in the field of being gifted. Finding the goal shown in the diagram below is very important to have high motivation.

Source: https://goodup.com/discover-purpose-organisation/


The essence of this article can be summarized as follows:

  • Do your favorite job, if it is not possible to do the job you love, try to enjoy the job you do.
  • Get a big goal you want to accomplish, work stably to achieve that goal.
  • Don't expect others to motivate you, look for ways to motivate yourself.
  • If you are at the beginning of the road, do not worry about being motivated, your motivation will increase as you gain competence.
  • If you are an manager, let your employees use initiative, if you are an employee, take the initiative and try to create something of your own.
  • Try to create an environment where positive emotions are dominant.
  • Give constructive feedback to those around you and request feedback from them.
  • Be determined, take advantage of the power of habits.

Although motivational speeches effect long, I wanted to end this article with a motivational speech that I like very much. In Any Given Sunday, Al Pacino is briefing the American Football team, where he is a coach before the final match.

Thanks for reading.

Image Sources: https://www.pexels.com/ and https://giphy.com


İşyerinde İnsanları Ne Motive Eder?

İç motivasyonu yüksek olan insanlara öteden beri hayranlık duymuşumdur. Başarılı olmalarının garantisi olmasa da yaptıkları işten keyif almaları bile başlı başına bir kazanımdır. İşlerini keyifle ve tutkuyla yaptıkları için çoğunlukla başarılı da olurlar ayrıca. Böyle talihli bir hal içinde olmayanların ömürleri kendilerini motive edecek dış faktörleri beklemekle geçer. Dış faktörler tanımı gereği değişkendir, bireylerin kontrolü dışındadır ve yüksek motivasyonu sağlayacak ideal şartlar çoğunlukla oluşmaz.

Herhangi bir işi başarmak için motivasyona ihtiyaç duyulduğunu çalışma hayatımın ilk aylarında fark etmiştim. Hiç bir zaman tembel ve isteksiz bir tip olmadım, ama iç motivasyonum çok da yüksek sayılmazdı. Motivasyonumu nasıl artırabileceğimi öğrenmek için bir sürü araştırma yaptığımı hatırlıyorum.

Yıllar ilerleyip de yönetici olunca kendi motivasyonumun yanı sıra çalışma arkadaşlarımın motivasyonundan da sorumlu oldum. Kendi adıma gayet motive bir biçimde çalışıyordum, ancak çalışma arkadaşlarımın motivasyonuna herhangi bir katkım olamıyordu. Bu bana özel bir durum değildi, çalışma hayatım boyunca ekip arkadaşlarının motivasyonunu kalıcı biçimde artırabilen tek bir yöneticiye rastlamadım. Yapılan yüzyüze görüşmelerin hiç bir işe yaramadığını söyleyemem, insan ilişkileri konusunda başarılı olan yöneticiler ekip arkadaşlarının motivasyonunu birkaç saatle birkaç gün arasında değişen sürelerde geçerli olacak biçimde artırabiliyordu. Ancak elde edilen bu sonuç elbette tatmin edici olmaktan uzaktı.

Yöneticilerin ekip performansını hiç etkilemediğini ileri sürmüyorum, işini severek yapan ve ekip arkadaşlarına ilham verebilen yöneticilerin ekipleri elbette ortalamada daha motive bir biçimde çalışıyor. Yine de aynı ekipte çalışan bireylerin iç motivasyon seviyeleri birbirinden o kadar farklı oluyor ki ister istemez ortamın etkisinin çok sınırlı olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Yüksek motivasyona sahip olmak sadece iş hayatında gerekli olan bir özellik değil. Sınavlara çalışmak, sigarayı bırakmak, kilo vermek, spor yapmak için yüksek bir motivasyona sahip olmak gerekiyor.

Motivasyon adını verdiğimiz ve herhangi bir işi başarmanın anahtarı gibi görünen bu kutlu duygu kişide nasıl oluşuyor? Bazı şanslı kişiler dünyaya motive olmuş bir biçimde mi geliyor? Motive olabilmek için ne yapmak gerekiyor? Bu soruların yanıtlarını internet üzerinde yaptığım araştırmalar ve kişisel tecrübelerimden yola çıkarak vermeye çalışacağım.

Çalışma hayatımın bir aşamasında motivasyon meselesini açıklayan bir makaleye rastladım ve kişisel deneyimlerimden yola çıkarak makalede anlatılanların doğru olduğuna kanaat getirdim. Makalede bilgiye dayalı işler yapan insanların motivasyonlarının üç temel faktör doğrultusunda belirlendiği ifade ediliyordu.

Sosyal Ortam

İşimizi çoğunlukla bir ekip halinde yürütüyoruz. Çalışma hayatında içinde bulunduğumuz sosyal çevre motivasyonumuzu ciddi ölçüde etkiliyor. Birlikte çalıştığımız insanları seviyor muyuz? Onlara saygı duyuyor muyuz? Onlar bizi seviyor ve saygı duyuyor mu? Ortamda birey olarak kabul görüyor muyuz? Çalışma ortamımızda pozitif hava mı var, yoksa insanlar arasında soğuk rüzgarlar mı esiyor? Bu soruların yanıtları olumlu olduğunda motivasyonumuz pozitif yönde etkileniyor.


Her insanoğlunun içinde iflah olmaz bir anarşist yaşıyor. Birilerinin bizlere neyi nasıl yapmamız gerektiğini söylemesinden hoşlanmıyoruz. Çocuğu olanlar bunu çok iyi anlayacaktır. Yapmalarını istediğimiz şeyleri onlara birden fazla seçenek sunarak ifade ettiğimizde kabul etmeye daha yatkın oluyorlar. Etkinliklerimizin sonucunda verdiğimiz kararların eseri olan bir sonuç elde etmek istiyoruz. Böylesi şartlara sahip olduğumuzda motivasyonumuz artıyor.


Başkalarının yapamadığı bir işi başarıyor olmak güzel bir duygu. Bir işte ustalaştıkça bu duyguyu daha yoğun yaşamaya başlıyoruz. Zamanla ilgilendiğimiz konuda otorite konumuna geliyoruz, insanlar bize fikir danışmaya başlıyor, bu durum ister istemez bizi etkiliyor, ustası olduğumuz işi yapmayı daha çok ister duruma geliyoruz.

Bu üç madde çalışma hayatının başlarında vasat bir iç motivasyona sahipken yıllar ilerledikçe motivasyonumun nasıl artabildiğini açıklıyor. Öte yandan, hikaye bununla sınırlı olmasa gerektir. Aynı ekip içinde bulunan, benzer işleri yapan ve yaklaşık aynı kıdeme sahip olan insanlar arasında da motivasyon farkları olabiliyor. Neden?

Kişilik yapıları ve hayata bakış açıları iç motivasyonu etkiliyor. Hayata pozitif bakabilen ve sorumluluk duygusu yüksek olan bireylerin iç motivasyonları yüksek oluyor. Bunların yanı sıra kişinin başarıya ne kadar ihtiyacı olduğu da önemli bir faktör kanımca. Bazı bireylerin maddi ya da psikolojik nedenlerle paraya, takdir edilmeye, öne çıkmaya diğerlerinden daha fazla ihtiyacı oluyor. Böyle olunca daha fazla gayret göstermeye, fedakarlık yapmaya hazır oluyorlar.

Manevi bir anlam yüklediği bir ya da birkaç hedefi olan bireyler o hedefi gerçekleştirmek için yüksek bir motivasyon düzeyini daha uzun bir süre koruyabiliyorlar. Sahip olunan ana hedefe ulaşmak üzere elbette gündelik alt hedeflere sahip olmak gerekiyor. Ana hedefe ulaşmak genellikle çok uzun sürdüğünden ve daha da kötüsü ana hedefin ne zaman gerçekleşeceği çoğunlukla belirsiz olduğundan, gündelik hedeflerin gerçekleştirilmesiyle mutlu olabilmek gerekiyor.

Her ne kadar iç motivasyonun önemini vurgulasam da başkalarından alınan olumlu geri bildirimler motivasyona önemli katkı sağlıyor. Ayrıca, aynı şeyleri uzunca bir süre aynı şekilde yapmamak, öğrenmek ve gelişmek de motivasyonu artıran faktörlerden.

Motivasyonun oluşmasında alışkanlıklar önemini de yadsımamak gerekir, belirli bir işi disiplinli bir biçimde belirli bir süre yaptığınızda o artık bir alışkanlık haline geliyor. Bu durumda o işi yaparken karşılaşılan zorluk her ne ise insan bundan etkilenmemeye başlıyor.

Bu ana kadar paradan ya da motive olunan hedef sonucunda elde edilecek faydadan söz etmedim. Yapılan iş bir insan evladının yapmayı pek tercih etmeyeceği tekdüze ve sıkıcı bir işse para daha önemli oluyor. İş karmaşık ve başarması güç hale geldikçe paranın motivasyon üzerindeki etkisi azalıyor. Burada elbette bireylerin paraya ne ölçüde ihtiyacı olduğu da önemli bir faktör.

Son olarak kişinin işini sevmesinin önemine de vurgu yapmak istiyorum. Yetkinlik her ne kadar zamanla oluşuyor ise de, ulaşılacak maksimum yetkinlik seviyesi kişinin ilgilendiği konu hakkındaki yeteneği ile yakından ilgili. Bir insan bir etkinliği yapmayı seviyorsa o etkinlik konusunda yetenekli olduğunu varsayabiliriz. Yetenekli olunan alanda çok daha hızlı yetkinlik kazanıldığı için kişiler o konuda daha motive bir biçimde faaliyet gösterebiliyor. Aşağıdaki şemada gösterilen hedefi bulmak yüksek motivasyona sahip olabilmek için oldukça önemli.

Source: https://goodup.com/discover-purpose-organisation/


Bu yazıda anlatmaya çalıştıklarımı aşağıdaki gibi özetleyebilirim:

  • Mümkünse sevdiğiniz işi yapın, sevdiğiniz işi yapmanız mümkün değilse yaptığınız işi sevmeye çalışın.
  • Başarmayı istediğiniz büyük bir hedefiniz olsun, o hedefe ulaşmak için istikrarlı bir biçimde çalışın.
  • Başkalarının sizi motive etmesini beklemeyin, kendi kendinizi motive etmenin yollarını arayın.
  • Yolun başındaysanız motive olamamak sizi endişelendirmesin, yetkinlik kazandıkça motivasyonunuz artacaktır.
  • Yöneticiyseniz astlarınızın insiyatif kullanmasına izin verin, çalışansanız insiyatif alıp bir şeyler yaratmaya çalışın.
  • Pozitif duyguların hakim olduğu bir çalışma ortamı oluşturmaya çalışın.
  • Çevrenizdekilere yapıcı ve geliştirici geri bildirimler verin ve onlardan geri bildirim talep edin.
  • Kararlı olun, alışkanlıkların gücünden yararlanın.

Her ne kadar motivasyon konuşmalarının etkisi uzun sürmüyorsa da bu yazıyı çok sevdiğim bir motivasyon konuşması ile bitirmek istedim. Kazanma Hırsı filminde Al Pacino final maçı öncesi antrenörü olduğu Amerikan Futbolu takımına brifing veriyor.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.


I am currently drives by money!

Passion is a major drive of motivation, when you're passionate after something you somehow find motivation to always do it.
Also, the expected result and reward from the accomplishment of a task can motivate too.

It seems to me that everything depends on what money means for us. If this means that helps us to develop, grow and move forward, create something, please others or bring them practical benefits, then this is certainly good. But if money means for us first of all security, social status, reliable insurance from any problems - poverty, loneliness, boredom, it means that to earn money, mainly fear motivates us to work. It can be the fear of poverty, the fear of tomorrow, the fear of not meeting someone's expectations, the fear of losing, the fear of being a failure, and so on ... And, at first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with that. Indeed, fear can be a very strong motivator. For fear we can make a lot of money. Lots of. Even - millions. But if we experience fear for a long time (weeks and months), our hormonal balance is disrupted. Excess adrenaline and cortisol - the hormones that the body produces at times of stress, will accumulate in the body and poison our body.
That is why fear is called one of the most destructive feelings: it literally destroys our physical body. Of course, each of us chooses his own life, and we choose what will motivate us to earn money, to develop, to achieve some results.
But if we are motivated by fear, we will constantly experience stress or intense tension. And then work, making money becomes hard labor - imperceptible, routine, but day after day, poisoning life and killing us ...
Motivate yourself with the opposite feelings: love of life, inspiration, research interest, the joy of creativity ... It is important to link money in our minds not with solving problems, but with these positive feelings.
And whatever we do in our workplace, we just need to realize that what we do brings someone good or joy. And more often concentrate on this thought. This motivation is much more useful both for achieving the goals set and for health.

nice post..

Entrepreneurs have intense work ethics and will power

I agree with you. They work hard.

I believe to a large extent the internal and external motivational factors are essential to an individual's productivity. Although we cannot control all the external elements, it is important that these variables are not so altered that they result in a negative effect on the individual's performance . Some of these variables are working environment, wages, etc
The same goes for the internal motivational factors like the individuals state of mind, perspective etc if not at a level of equilibrium might trump the external motivational factors which are positive and right for optimal performance. So it's important we reconcile both the external and internal factors to get the best out of an individual in his/her workplace.

For me, motivation comes in the ability to draw a line between work and home. I really try VERY hard not to bring my home life to work, and vice versa, keeping all the baggage at the doors allows each place to be it's own home. For better or worse.

When things are bad at work, for instance, I remember previous jobs that were so much worse. At my current job I am no longer tied to a desk for 8 hours while people tell me I should get up and move - but also don't walk away or move from the keyboard. Now I get to walk 3-6 miles a day, and that feeling of freedom has largely not worn off which feeds my motivation to keep that freedom.

When things are bad at home, such as my A/C breaking and vet bills, it isn't my coworkers faults. They don't know, they don't care, and they can't help. Taking out any frustration on them is not going to do any good and will possibly harm work relationships and harm my job. That wouldn't do anyone any good. On the same token, a rough day at work has no bearing on my family so they shouldn't get any sort of brunt from my bad day.

Keeping these separate worlds allows me to deal with each one in a compartmental way, allowing me to have individual motivations for each aspect and also allowing me to have neither become demotivation for the other.

Yazı için teşekkürler. Ellerinize sağlık.

great effort to write in both english and turkish. Thanks :)

I think that problem solving at work is integral to the job satisfaction of people at work. Are they stuck with unwanted and persistant problems or are they empowered to reach out past the mundane problems and embrace more challenging problems !

I Like it
Really Excellent Post

Bro nothing motivates people at work , only responsibilities are factors where anyone works , I can give you my example , where at was Workinh for private limited company for 9 years , I spent good time , but whenever when it’s comes to success , I never got success , so success is not everything that a persons works for , it’s all about responsibilities

i believe that enjoy the journey one day you will reach to your goal with hard work and perseverance

Motivation is the key of success. Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. An individual is not motivated by another individual. Motivation comes from within the individual. Motivation has been considered as one of the most important reasons that inspires a person to move forward.
Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.
There are different types of motivation
It is vary person to person
For some money is motivation
For some there goals are motivation
Motivation is only thing which helps us to achieve our Target and goals

I watch Ted shows or other self-help programs to feel motivated. It is very difficult to stay in that good state all time, but we need to do that. Thats the only way to be successful.

I am also the fan of Ted Talks. I watched tens of them.

Quite compendium on STAFF MOTIVATION!!

But among others, the most motivating impetus , in most developing World's, especially Africa is MONETARY REWARD , every other is Secondary*!!

Thanks @muratkberisoglu for this wonderful opportunity as usual!

Motivating others is helped tremendously by enthusiasm. I would go as far as to say that enthusiasm is the fuel of motivation. Good piece of work, well done.

I am self-motivated because I like being successful at everything I do!

the motivation comes from something you really like ! 20C.gif

True! Some are born motivated, but the secret to staying motivated always is doing what you really love. Nice post!


It is the most important issue, I agree

Thanks for accepting my own view.

It is very difficult to stay in that good state all time, but we need to do that. Thats the only way to be successful.

Very important post sir I like it.

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without readin everything- Money

sony gif is very funny


brother your indian?

No, I am Turkish

ok,@muratkbesiroglu can you give some advice for how to grow up on steemit.i am new on steemit i join in aug my post is not earn money.can you help me

according to your article we need to invest money in steemit.but I have no money.I am belong to middle class family.so I cannot invest money in steemit.can you help me?..i will follow your article information in future.

motivation is very important, the most important when it comes to doing something, nothing would be motivated, but what if we have an idea and we have no motivation?

Motivation and energy is more important than the ideas I suppose.

Hello , i am working on steemit Platform, now with reputation of 36, looking to grow , if there is any strategy which i can follow and make my income $500 per month, kindly guide, also if there is some genuine online work, i am open for the same.

Great post!! lot's of Psychology in this publication


I used to think making money would grant me that high work motivation. I learnt the hard way that its not.
Thank you for such an interesting and enlightening post.

Brother's very good post


Just a heads up fellow steemian, that is a comment spam bot account that didn't read your post, it's just posting to earn curation off your post.
I hate these flockin' leaches and so should you.
Happy Sunday, -Bluehorseshoe

i just fall love on the first image
what a timing killing

What makes you motivated?

everyone can answer this

  1. Salary
    2.Easy work
  2. Non odd shifts
  3. Sufficient leaves

All these attracts me. What about you?

Thanks a lot, this is very informative. There are humans in this platform pretending to provide information and click on-baiting customers. But this put up honestly packs a punch with all this information. well played sir.

Murat abi rica ediyorum bana ulaşır mısın abi lütfen. [email protected]

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Let me share my experience. I started work at a game company as a game designer with little or no experience but with the opportunity to learn at first and the excitement of being involve in a project of that type. Firstly, game design is not a regular stuff in my own part of the world, so it is seen as something super cool. At the beginning, I was so motivated to work, I will stay up late in the nights and wake up very early to continue working, until oneway, I realised that the project wasn't really moving forward and the owner of the company, due to reasons unknown couldn't keep up the pace with the production. Suddenly, the production picked pace again and I was inspired once again, this lasted for few month and by now, I have actually been able to do some stuffs myself, like level design, I've learnt a lot during that time, until the production was slowed again and it was like everything was crumbling. While this was happening, I was down psychologically and I being to thin about my salary, how it was not enough and all, and after few months it was increased and I picked up again, but this time it was because of the money and when I compare the two times I've been motivated, It was the times the production was going smoothly that I enjoyed the company most not when my salary was increased, but the increment to my salary showed I was appreciated with my contribution too. I agree with most of what is stated here, its not always about money sometimes but still, the role is a noticeable one

Thank you for sharing your experiences. The feeling of doing an important job and having an important role motivates.

Wow Realy Nice

He is really right!

I guess it's mostly about job satisfaction. if you are not happy at work, you will not be able to produce quality work and that will result in more stress from your boss or colleagues

I love your publication ... good work

gran contenido , felicitaciones por tu gran aporte para la motivación de las demas personas

Thank you🤠

If you are motivated, you will do anything without losing confident!

i Like Really Excellent Post Great Job.