What does one get by making and giving lots of flimsy excuses each day? This attitude prevents people from getting to higher altitudes. Hope you got the rhyming. A vast number of people fail in their enterprises and business becauses their excuses overide their ability to surge forward despite their challenges. We sometimes forget the fact that the very words we use on ourselves are the very words that destroy us and our careers in life. The grudging attitude,the self-demeaning words and the plethora of excuses we give for not being able to get to where we want make us never to soar higher. Excuses break our legs on our path to becoming successful. People who are always complaining rather than mastering their environment tend not to get anywhere.
Enough of the flimsy excuses,master over them,be strong,stop grudging,be positive.Nothing is ever impossible in this world when you tell yourself I AM STRONGER than my EXCUSES
Your day just got better...Cheers!!!
Brief and eximious. @mznab.
@emmanuelacheamp thank you for reading.