DADDY TALKS 12: Don't Hate The Rich, They Worked Hard For Money Too!

in #motivation6 years ago

The rich work super hard for money in case you don't know. They spend time, spend money, disregard their family, sacrifice their friends and forgo pleasure just to get that moolah!

In life, nothing happens by chance. We might argue that many of them were born with silver spoons but without an effort on their part those riches could have gone to the dustbin.

Someone like Bill Gates was just an average Harvard dropout who found a calling worth his life. He left school to pursue it. Same thing with Mark. They all sacrificed something for success.

Be careful what you sacrifice though. Do not throw away valuable life just to get cheese. You may never have the peace of mind to enjoy that wealth when it eventually comes.

Whatever you spend so much time doing is going to become your second nature. That's how habits are formed. Do the wealthy things with your time and wealth will chase you down.

Instead of hating on the rich, study them. Learn their tactics. I don't know anyone that doesn't want to be rich. Even though Biblically it may be easier for a camel than a rich man to enter heaven. Anyway, I guess the logic is that riches are your heaven on Earth.

Choose one!


Hmmmm very true
Thanks for this @nairadaddy

Thanks Boss, i totally agree with you. Instead of hating, just study

Like seriously... People hating it rich people.
Hardwork and tact pays off. Dangote was recently listee in the current forbe list of most wealthy and influential people. The man is a business Tycon.

Do the wealthy things with your time and wealth will chase you down.

This is it, we either gain or profit from what we do or have done.
how are you doing boss? @nairadaddy

Never hate the rich because it negates the law of attraction. If you hate the rich, then you cannot attract wealth.

Love the rich and embrace their success so that soon you can attain and probably surpass their achievements.

Golden line that touched my heart.

Do the wealthy things with your time and wealth will chase you down.